
It’s kind of annoying how people have started using it as a catch-all to describe something mechanical and weird. Steampunk is a specific aesthetic. If this were to all into any of the ‘punk’ genre categories, it’d probably be steelpunk.

It’s not what people do with trucks, it’s how those people perceive they’ll use the trucks. A buyer may never tow a damned thing, but they’re going to want a truck that can because ‘what if boat’ or ‘what if camper’. People have drawers full of shit that they don’t need, but they bought those things anyway because it

Well, they were going to make a Bronco truck; so they probably were planning to use those there. They want the Maverick to slot in more with the Ranger and F-150. No need to muck up the branding with similar headlights.

Ford puts all their gear selector knobs on the center console. Also, with the EcoBoost having a

I may not have written coherently enough, but that is my point. The MCU is not the company wide crossover as much as it is a regular comic book collective universe.

Civil War was a mess. The original idea was interesting; but the second Cap came down on the side against registration, I knew it was bad. Let’s not

I really feel that it’s a bad analogy. The MCU overall really is like a comic book universe in that you have all these characters who have their own stories and adventures but link up in a greater universe. You may have the seeds of an overarching story in several different films, but you don’t really need to have

That SOP has also helped drive readers away from DC and Marvel. It drives sales because of the obsessive fans who have to have the complete story, but it thins out the fanbase overall.

I found her the most laughable bit of the whole plot. Why the hell would a group of resistance fighters/terrorists follow her? It’s the same problem I developed with ‘The Walking Dead’ TV show. “Rick’s a great leader!” Are you talking about the Rick sitting in a room having conversations on an inoperable phone with

The Algorithm Nazi says ‘No aspect ration for you!’

The real question here is if this was just a suicidal bird, or was it a terrorist plot?

Yeah, she was being an asshole and is mad that Denzel didn’t go for it.

I think a decision needs to be made on whether it’s more important to get ICE vehicles off the road and replaced with EVs or to back unionized labor over non-unionized labor. Yeah, southern states have ‘right-to-work’ laws and generally don’t support unions; but they are still American workers and taxpayers. While the

No, you were just reading the subtext.

I’ve seen her in person out of the Elvira persona, and it’s amazing how young she looks. Her and Keanu must share the same shaman. 

Thanks for the dive, Adam. We’ve known about the chip shortage for what? A year now? Getting into the nitty gritty shows that this isn’t as simple an issue as most of us thought it was.

The Koach and Dragula have to be my two favorite Barris creations.

1st: Where is Foxconn going to house the underage workers?

I remember the first time I played ActRaiser. It was at my cousins’ house. We were visiting, and they had the game that I’d never even heard of. It was raining, so I gave it a try. Holy shit was I hooked. PCs were still too expensive for most families back then, so this and the SNES Sim City were the games that made

$3k if I also get to punch him in the stomach like he was Houdini. 

Well, they kept the hard-top convertible roof; so, yeah, it was a had to situation.