Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey
Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey
Beep boop beep. That's robot for "Religion is the opiate of the masses"
On his way walking to the wedding, Marshall walks into a time portal and spends the rest of the series leaping into different lives, hoping his next leap will be the one home.
Well, it could go either way. Chitlins are the intestines and were only eaten by the very poor historically. With that said, they are considered to be something of a delicacy.
Can't… or won't?
I can certainly understand this sentiment, but I still love Good Eats. I think my philosophy towards cooking jives better with Alton than Kimball. Alton embraces creativity and technique whereas Kimball focuses on a repeat what I do type of teaching methodology. I learn far more about why something doesn't work than…
Wow, so you are saying the writer of Coupling said a slightly offensive thing about the differences between men and women. This is so shocking to me.
Got tired of hearing people complain about Community notifications.
I still like this show. But Jesus Christ, tonight was dire.
Well cool. I can't wait to hate her again.