
don’t act like you didn’t think it was pretty interesting and were secretly hoping for a full-on riot like the rest of us.

Seriously though, who brings a baby to a game?

Whenever we finally grow up enough to realize we don’t need polished facsimiles of people in suits saying stupid shit to get elected and start to actually elect people for what they have done, not what they promise or who they haven’t slept with, insulted, or what number wife they are on, the better.

As much as I was gloating over the Rangers’ misfortunes last night, and as annoyed as I was when the whiners started flooding the internet, I kind of feel bad for Andrus right now. This is how you handle a heartbreaking loss: own your mistakes and acknowledge that this is baseball, sometimes shit happens. Too bad his

Obviously this is not geared towards professionals.

I have the problem with going to bed early enough for my crack of the freaking dawn 7am start time. We really need a reasonable 6hr work day that starts at a reasonable hour. 9am is the earliest any human should be at work. If you still work on the farm, then I can understand the early start time. I try to make lunch

This is...holy crap that kid will have the most legendary baseball memory in the history of baseball...

A recurring theme in Canadian relations with their neighbors to the south:

This is still the greatest bat flip in the history of mankind. Ever.

Kids like this kid:

Dyson should be more worried about setting a example for you kids who want to be pitchers.

“We will get you out 75% of the time if you’re GOOD. We will jump and scream on the mound and stomp back to the dugout if we ring you up in a key situation, or whenever we want, really. But, if you are happy about one of the best moments of your life, we will throw a ball at potentially fatal speeds at your head,

Let’s watch it again!

see? I’m bad at being racist, which is a good thing.

Even ignoring the blatant and unnecessary racism, Bernie has been a respected senator of a reasonably prosperous state for ages. When he stood on the debate stage last night, he may have stuttered and blustered, but he still had the grace to say the email issue was stupid and to shake Hillary’s hand. I’d definitely

Also, it’s pretty bad when you’re asked if you’d apologize for a racist tweet and ostensibly you need to ask “which one?”

Yup. It’s gross how clever he thinks he is. Joke’s on him: he’ll go down in history as a hateful hypocrite who raised a dog torturer and promoted a serial child molester.

Oh yes Asians eating dog; this is cutting edge 1970’s material. I’m sure people think you’re racist because you don’t support the DPRK regime...

You know he sat there and came up with that “sin not skin” Tweet and smiled, whispering to himself, “That’s so good. It rhymes. Presidents should rhyme. God thinks I’m hilarious.”