
And you are entitled to push back on the interviewer just as much as you would if it were a man.

The first game company to figure out how to make a direct opposite to this - a fighting game with a bazillion finishing / style moves that are cuddly and adorable instead of gruesome - is going to make a boatload of money.

If you can't afford cost of a meal out somewhere, plus taxes, plus tip, then you shouldn't eat out there. Find someplace cheaper to eat or cook at home.

You appear to be taking this other article about children and self-esteem a touch too far:

So, from this article, and then the comments, and then my own experience as a parent:

Hi - coming to this late, but go you. You know your kid, and yourself, and you're actually being a genuine human being flaws and all, unlike some random holier-than-thou concern troll.

This comment will never get seen or read since the article is already up to 1800+ comments as of this moment, but here you go anyway.

I'm old enough to get all of the references (early 40s here) and it just felt forced and contrived. Like a collage of "hey remember this game or toy from when we were kids? Yeah, me too."

In my experience: meeting notes, and compelling someone to take them, are a sign of a meeting that is only happening because people won't talk to / work with each other any other way. And quite possibly a workplace culture built on suspicion and the appearance of work at worst, inefficiency and inertia at best.

No dishonorable mention for Order of the Stick?

This is nothing new.

That "treating kids like adults thing" is a spot-on insight. Children are not adults. They do not deserve full explanations for every action and decision by their parent or guardian . "Because I said so" is a perfectly reasonable thing to say to most children.

Junior should do the honorable thing and refuse to go into the HOF until Edgar does.

Everyone should just wear burkas unless they're with family at their own house. Men, women, children, pets. Cover 'em all.

But of course the kids should be supervised, and protected; they're white.

So? How much does an academy aware nomination or award have a financial impact on the movie, or make it easier for specific actors, directors, etc. to get work over others?

With all due respect to everyone's preferences, and this is likely just me being paranoid: why on god's greenish-grey earth would people put gigs and gigs of their stuff on some set of hardware they don't control? Encrypted or no, it's not safe.

I don't know if this is an option for you and your wife, but my first impulse would be to complete cut off contact with your mom. You could inform your mom in your last letter to her that if that decision made your mom sad, it was because your mom wanted to be sad, and you and your wife are by no means accountable