
There was also the bald doctor who rather bizarrely showed up for a few episodes to, I guess, fill the hole left by Adam Pally's departure, and then just vanished.

Spot on. The whole Danny-Mindy storyline should never have been attempted. It might have been sorta fresh when Sam and Diane did it, but by the time it rolled around to this show, that routine had gotten as flavorless and annoying as stale gum.

Kaling says it was her plan from the get-go, except Barinholtz let it slip in an interview that it was Messina announcing he was doing a film, and thus would be gone a lot, that made them rewrite his character. They should get their stories straight.

Nobody has ever explained what happened. It's bizarre.

Could we have some more from the guys that wrote this episode? It was really, really good. I didn't even mind the Collette plot too much, and loved it when she was in the background kicking dirt on the umpire and hitting him. Morgan was nicely toned down to his sweet spot where he's funny rather than an

It was a four second bit where she picks up a travel guide while she's on the phone with the coach and says that she's going to give him a great tour of Manhattan, and then she reads off the sights they'll see, like the World Trade Center. So the gag is she's using an ancient guidebook. I'm overreacting on the

The World Trade Center reference was appalling.

I had never heard of this show, but watched the pilot last night on Hulu. Does it ever stop blatantly thieving entire scenes and jokes from the Naked Gun (movie), Airplane, etc., etc.?
One example of how deep the thieving goes: In the Naked Gun, Drebin and Jane meet, and then there's a montage of them going on all

I had never heard of that show before, spotted it last night on Hulu, and watched the pilot, and that episode did feature her driving a Ford SUV with the Ford logo repeatedly popping up on screen.

Here's the weird thing - I honestly thought it was some sort of reaction to a sting, given its weird shape. Now I realize it's some sort of lip-plumper-upper injection thing? She's a lovely woman - I don't see why she'd do that (or why any woman would feel the need to do it, but I'm not one, so I guess really don't

If you watch the episode again, you'll see just a really weird one second shot of the Morgan character waving his hand by the Lexus hatch and it opens. It is jarringly out of place.
I don't watch "Bones." There was a very heavy-handed car product placement on "Modern Family" where the thing self-parked itself, as I

Here's what Kaling said on Twitter: "People ask where Mindy's baby is when I'm on a dating story. He's off playing w/the children on male-driven comedies no one ever asks about."

This week on the Mindy Project: watch our slatternly heroine with the smarts of a turnip forget what a calendar does, send poop emojis, and then play "Bend Over: I'll Drive" (with a sock in her mouth), and then brag on the way home about all the dining at the Y that went on. If you forget all about the prior

The "imposter" thing was straight out of "Chinatown," except in Chinatown we learn who the imposter was. This season of Archer kind of smells of rushed attempts to find an ending and a "make it up as we go along" mentality.

If it's not renewed, there won't be anyone to tell us if it was the real Archer.

I of course will watch it. It just sounds like kind of a frustrating end. I think all of us loyal viewers also feel a little cheated about waiting so long for the new season, and then having it be so bloody short.

I've not watched the episode yet and now I don't know if I want to. And the Matt Thompson interview that's been cited a few times below makes it clear that Adam Reed's goal was to dirt-road the audience, which is something you really don't want to do when your audience is miniscule:

The "Yale" joke was used in a Dilbert strip years ago. It's as stale - and obvious - now as it was then (I'm wondering if the writer of this episode borrowed it . . . ?) At least Dilbert didn't do it as a racist joke. And to make a lame joke like that work, they of course have to dumb down the Mindy character,

Stalkers always know about the details of the stalkee's life.

Seems like they could have recorded an off-camera shout from him or something. In addition to her reckless conduct with the child, the Mindy character seems incredibly forgetful, too - the whole Texas trip was her being sad about the Danny character having a new girlfriend, which was presented as a new development in