
Alternate script:

The Lauren character in this episode was just over the top horrible, and as you note, pointlessly so.
There was also no sign in her earlier episodes that she was like that. She seemed a little goofy, but in a nice way, in "We're a Couple Now, Haters." Of course, that episode is from Bizarro-Mindy-World (or is the

Next week: Mindy wakes up to find Casey pressing a cold cloth to her forehead. They're in Haiti. He tells her she's had a fever for two weeks, and has been raving nonsense in her sleep:
Casey, for no reason whatsoever, gave up his life's passion of devotion and service to the poor to become a DJ and then concert

I didn't even have to Google that reference. I do love that movie, with one exception: with two sentences they could have changed Josh into her ex-step-cousin, not ex-step-brother. That angle always creeped me out.
I'm Audi (until I read the script, I always thought the characters were saying "I'm outie").

I couldn't have cared less if the Mindy and Danny characters never got together in the first place. I think it was a mistake. I couldn't have cared less if they stayed together or broke up. I think that "fan fiction" is pathetic. What bothers me is that as an audience we are entitled to expect a modicum of basic

The Haiti thing was completely in character, and meshed with their first meeting on the subway when he had the strollers with ATV wheels (that was a great episode). The DJ thing was completely out of character, as was the rest of Casey's fate.

You expect continuity? From this show? Come now - get a grip. You don't really believe that the hacks who write this care whether they break faith with the tiny group of people who used to faithfully watch, do you?

Ah yes - Casey, the character to whom several episodes were devoted to building up as a religious public-spirited guy and then, within the span of a single crap episode, was turned by hack writers into a ditz who first wants to be a DJ and then a concert promoter. Then later we find out he's a shoe maven in Los

I watched, despite my better judgment. Next week on the Mindy Project: Morgan takes a dump in the lobby and then runs naked; hilarity ensures. Be sure to Hulu! That character is just obnoxious. Does Barinholtz have some dirt on Kaling that forces her to let him do that crap?
And sure, if you watched the episode

I thought the ep was in general hilarious, but the reveal was a complete let-down. I expected Shapiro to have orchestrated the theft because he was really a double-crosser, but instead we heard the same thing we heard about why he didn't bring money to the disk exchange - Veronica didn't have it. The only difference

I noticed that too. It made zero sense.

I've not watched yet (I faithfully buy every episode when it pops up on Amazon, only to nash my teeth a year later when it shows up for "free" on Netflix), but the "dress everybody up as a clown" thing sounds like a direct homage to "Inside Man."

You mean a character who was turned by hack writers into a "misogynistic selfish shithead."

The timing of the interview is suspicious. Messina is MIA for weeks, Kaling and Warburton duck talking about him, people quit watching the show because of the POS writing and wildly inconsistent treatment of the Danny character, and all of a sudden Messina magically appears (but still no word from Kaling about what's

Maybe if Kaling would quit bragging about how she's "matured" as a writer, and claiming that the whole Danny story-line fiasco was planned from the outset instead of being a massive ret-con-job, it wouldn't be so insulting. She and Barinholtz ought to keep their stories straight, because he claims that the "Let's

I hate to be crass, but it became clear once he shed his wrapping paper that Barry has no genitalia. I know that Katya has a detachable va-jay-jay, but what does Barry do? Strap on the prosthetic from Boogie Nights?

Here's what's so mystifying: why don't Kaling and Warburton simply tell us what's going on with Messina? Is there some sort of black ops stuff happening in the background? They can't lose any more viewers than they already did with their awful "Danny-is-Satan" storyline, so what are they afraid of?

Didn't watch after last week's crap-fest and never will again, but I like reading the reacaps. Yeah - the "old" Jeremy. That's the major problem with this show. They don't care at all about characters being consistent with prior conduct (turning Danny into an evil monster is only the most blatant and offensive

Someone below noted that Kaling starts story-lines and then is clueless about how to finish them. I can't decide if it's that, or if instead Kaling has active contempt for her audience. Like an idiot I watched this episode (although with a fair bit of fast-forwarding, especially through the cringe-worthy

I can't quite remember the lines, but at one point the Sphinx starts saying "if you don't learn to master your rage . . . " and then Mr. Furious interrupts and says "your rage will master you? That's what you were going to say, wasn't it!" The Sphinx: "Not necessarily."