
"When you can balance a tack hammer on your head, you will head off your foes with a balanced attack." The Sphinx, from Mystery Men.

Let's see - a couple of seasons back, Casey was a strong man of God who then immediately decided, for no real reason whatsoever other than to drive another ridiculous plot, to be a rock concert promoter and some other idiotic thing in-between, and then opened a shoe store or some damned thing in Los Angeles. Now, we

When Andy and Haley were looking at the menu in the first scene or so, she said something about how it was more reading than she had done in three years at her two year college. Except several seasons ago she got booted from that college after about six weeks. Continuity is not this show's strong suit (my favorite

So last week, or whenever it was, Claire was so insanely busy with her new job that she had her assistant take care of family stuff. This week, she's lounging around always available to go to yoga with Gloria. I sort of figured that the yoga instructor was going to go full on "bend over, I'll drive" with Claire.

What I don't understand is how Holt and Kevin afford that house and all the swag.