Callin' Doctor Unk

I'll second "Revolution Blues" in particular. Neil at his best + the rhythm section of Rick Danko and Levon Helm, jamming about the Manson family? You can't beat that.

When I watched "Aquarius," I couldn't get past how much the guy who plays Charlie looks like Nick Thune. The guitar playing didn't help.

"You wanna talk to Mrs. Wilson? Why don't you wanna talk to Charlie? You think that if you don't talk to me I'll go away, but I CAN'T go away, 'cause I'm not even here. I'm the ghost of a phantom of a shadow in the hart of your children!"

That's such an obscure reference that your joke won't get the credit it deserves, so let me just say, well done.

It looks like you've already gotten a lot of great suggestions, many of which I'd echo (I come to this from the country direction, not the indie-rock direction, so some of them were new to me as well). But a few other bands and artists I'd recommend (and a suggested album for each):
-Guy Clark (Dublin Blues)
-The Felice

The only one of those I've seen was "Star Trek," which I absolutely detested, and I'd add Terminator Salvation to the list, too. They were both abysmal films, but he managed to be the worst part of both.

Now there's an organism that truly is an abomination of science, and should rightfully be condemned, labeled, and considered a health risk. This protest I can get behind!

Pretending to be black in Spokane is like pretending to be Inuit in Atlanta. It's just… kind of an odd choice.

Don't you know? If you *don't* complain loudly enough, you're clearly a paid corporate shill!

Thanks, exactly. And that philosophy is stifling and vilifying all of the potential Davids in the field in a misguided and futile attempt to bring down the Goliath with, well… rock albums.

Well, the very idea of genetic copyrighting disgusts me, as do many of the practices of the large agribusiness corporations (also, Dupont executives must be laughing their bony butts off that Monsanto is the one corporation that's become synonymous with this issue, but I digress…). In my mind, the more people and

Yeah, way to go, Neil! Get the public to further associate an entire branch of agricultural technology with a single corporation and its perceived villainy! As long as people have a scared, uneducated knee-jerk reaction to GM crops, the only entities who can risk the financial gambit of developing and selling those

Pfff, who needs an actual gun when anybody can buy a zoo-grade tranquilizer gun online and load the darts up with Tapatio sauce? Lead is for wimps.

Especially when your search history will make it seem like your personal approach to slaughtering the untouched is through the use of stinging arachnids.

I completely agree, although that weird dumb alien cover is a masterpiece compared to the cover for his "Dune" album.

Aw, you beat me to it; I saw this minutes after mentioning "Virgin Killer" myself. "Animal Magnetism" is pretty bad, too.

While we're talking about album covers built around bad titles and terrible accompanying visual puns, Scorpions are on a whole different level. "Animal Magnetism" and, uh, "Virgin Killer" (seriously, Google it) are the two that are the real cream of the crap, and I say that as a genuine fan of the music contained

"Paleo-" is a prefix, not a word. If you use it as a word, you look like an idiot. If you use it as a guiding dietary principle, you look like an even bigger idiot. To be fair, my own diet is probably equally idiotic on a nutritional level, but at least it's based on a complete disregard for my health and not a trendy

My recent favorite was a "15 celebrities you didn't know were gay" list which included George Takei. I wish I were making that up.

Only an apple a day can keep the Doctor away.