Dr. Turk Turkleton

To be truly effective, the programs would have to be doing periodic or continuous background checks (i.e. revoke your access as soon as you’re convicted of a disqualifying crime) because there are a lot of things that can happen in 5 years. Considering it’s only $100 for both Global Entry and TSA PreCheck, there’s no

Any employment lawyers out there who can weigh in on how this does or does not apply to states like California where noncompete clauses are not enforceable under state law?

I totally agree, but some people are weird about what happens to their bodies or the bodies of their loved ones, and to them, a medical student sawing open the thoracic cavity to cut out their heart is somehow more noble than the FBI using it to learn how to solve murders. 

It might go to a medical school for first year students to learn gross anatomy, or it might go to an FBI lab where they put your body in a swamp to see how long it takes to decompose or an Army base to test munitions.

You won’t be denied care if you’re a donor and doctors will obviously try to save your life no matter what.

Easiest (and best) option: Delete Instagram (and any other Meta properties). 

Ok, that’s a little different, and it can be hard to keep a fractured toe in alignment when you’re buddy taping it, but I’d personally at least try to pull it out to length before immobilizing it.

I would give them the bare minimum amount of amenities necessary...

Always went to a doc and they just taped it to the next one each and every time, even when I had a dislocation

That would suggest your body doesn’t automatically reach 100% oxygen saturation from the air.

Not to mention that these are not lifehacks, and some of the advice is just plain wrong. 

...and keeping things clean and flushed.

I’ve taken care of patients who have cut off all sorts of body parts. Not once has anybody ever brought it in correctly preserved. I’ve seen fingers in pickle juice, toes packed on ice like oysters on the half shell, and even a tip of a nose floating around in a jar of tap water.

I’ve been to a lot of the countries on this list, and I got around just fine. Granted, I also speak Spanish, but even if I didn’t, popular tourist/ex-pat destinations like Costa Rica and Thailand get so many gringos that the locals usually speak enough English for a typical American to get by. You’ll just have to be

Game development is expensive, and I certainly don’t expect developers to continue to provide free DLC for their games, but IOI has really been a lighthouse in a stormy sea of microtransactions. The fact that they’re still releasing free DLC in addition to their paid offerings, as well as giving free timed access to

I wish Apple would bring back the ability to sort apps and rearrange the home screen to iTunes. It’s ridiculous that we have to tap and hold and rearrange things instead of doing it with a mouse and keyboard commands. 

Maybe I watched a different video, but what I saw did not look slick as hell, and there was no dynamic aerial combat. Other than some dash attacks and dodges, the player character was firmly on the ground during most of the fight, and the only person leaping around was the boss character. Everything else that could be

The worst I’ve seen so far are the Brazilian teenager tour groups at Disney World in Florida.

By the way, another doctor-verified hack from the original video was to sniff—not ingest—rubbing alcohol when feeling nauseated.

Is It Worth Wearing a Mask If You’re the Only One Doing It?