Before the batmobile was even on screen, we felt the revving of its engine under our seats, which gradually became more powerful as it slowly teased.
Before the batmobile was even on screen, we felt the revving of its engine under our seats, which gradually became more powerful as it slowly teased.
I love Star Wars, make good money, and could easily find both the time and money to go, and this still gets a giant “fuck that shit” from me.
I completely agree that EtOH is the ONLY one I have seen in an official chart or would ever personally use in my documentation, for the reason you mentioned: ethanol is an ethyl group (C2H5) with a hydroxyl (OH) group on the end, and EtOH is the shorthand that anybody who’s taken the first week of introductory…
I hadn’t actually watched the Kotaku video until just now, That was painful. The compression of their video player honestly made it look a .gif you’d see posted on Reddit. It honestly looks and sounds like they recorded it with their iPhone pointed at their TV.
I usually prefer the performance RT modes in recent games (e.g. Miles Morales, Ratchet and Clank) because I feel like the resolution increase isn’t as noticeable as the frame rate, but with HFW, the resolution mode is such a giant leap over the performance mode that I’m fine with 30 fps. The 1080p mode is shockingly…
I make good money, and I already follow all of the “traditional” advice (maxing out my 4o1(k), investing in a mix of low-cost index funds, etc), but I’m also cognizant that I’m fortunate enough to be in an income bracket where I can do those things and then some.
My partner and I both work in specialized fields that require us to live where we do.
Focus scanning gets so tedious. When I cycle through the various parts of the machine, it doesn’t stay locked on any particular part. It’ll constantly jump around as the machine walks around, making it so much harder to target a blaze canister or whatnot. Machine parts also don’t stay highlighted during a fight, so I…
This is my main complaint with the gear and upgrade system in this game. Right now, I’ve got a bow that has fire and poison arrows, and another that has poison and frost, and it’s such a pain to switch between all the various bows. It would be so much better if there was one of each type of weapon that you upgraded to…
The comparison button only lets me compare it to my current weapon, which isn’t as helpful when I have half a dozen other hunter bows.
The investing legend is all about living modestly (he famously still lives in the $31,000 house he bought in 1958)...
But according to the Oral Health Foundation and National Health Service of the United Kingdom, it’s right. Your teeth aren’t destined to rot and fall out if you don’t, but there are reasons to consider kicking the rinsing habit.
Sick. I picked up a copy from Best Buy for $10 shortly after the initial dumpster fire launch. Will fire it up sometime next month after I get through Horizon Forbidden West.
I prefer Star Wars over Star Trek, but I think 71 Down works better for TREK, and 55 Down works better for WARS.
I totally agree. There is no way I’d buy a new computer with only 8 GB of RAM in 2022. My general rule of thumb is that manufacturers tend to offer what they feel they can get away with in their base models, which seems to be 8 GB for now, and that will be frustratingly limiting in only a year or two. I went with 8 GB…
I get that, which is why I said to use their Twitch handle at the start to provide context, and then use their legal name in the remainder of the article.
There’s a difference between using someone’s name that confirms their gender identity and a non-existent ice god of the sea.
Can we settle on a style guide standard whereby we never call these stupid influencers by their handles after the initial introduction? Writing an entire article about the beef between “Ice Poseidon” and “Coffeezilla” and continuing to use those absurd names throughout, just proves that we’re truly in the dumbest…
All of these methods are way too much effort. Just smush the old sliver of soap into the top of the new bar before you get out of the shower. By the time you’re ready for your next shower, it’ll have hardened into a new super bar, no C-clamp required.
Most people fart five to 23 times per day