Dr. Theopolis

Not at all.

It sounds like it’ll have the same outcome in the end, but the visual symbolism and impact of having it come from Hodor literally holding the door was such a brilliant move. It marked one of the most powerful moments of Game of Thrones in later seasons. However, don’t give the writers too much credit.

I agree with that. It definitely works as a breadcrumb in hindsight, but for that to be the “moral event horizon” moment doesn’t make a ton of sense.

I don’t know why they are surprised when they built the scene to not impose guilt. The scene was specifically set up with no choice for Dany. The Tarlys refused to bend the knee and refused to take the black. Realistically Dany could have imprisoned the but the show never presented this as an option. If Dany had been

One step closer to the inevitable Batman/Transformers crossover.

This exactly. Scodelario was the most entertaining part of that last Pirates of the Caribbean movie. The rest of this cast is great too, I just don’t care about Resident Evil, like, at all. I hope Disney can put her in the next Pirates movie, especially if they are going with Karen Gillan as Redd.

Fleetwood Mac the Night

Ooooh burn.

The only person in the entire world who will have heard of them all will be Alan Moore.

All of Moore’s acting choices and dialogue will be a pastiche of various actors who have been dead for 100 years.

Good. I really want to see this one in a proper theatre experience but also don’t want to risk catching the funk and spreading it to others. 

I mean, deformity = evil is one hell of an old trope. Like, as old as humankind. And so is the subversion "real evil is ugly on the inside". I get why it might get tiring, but honestly I think it’s a losing battle. I don't think there is a single culture on Earth that doesn't have some sort of evil creature associated

I was an editor on Flight. I cut the plane crash sequence.

Mwng is a lovely album.

I kinda liked Beowulf.

The other movie’s witches didn’t have toes, and it looks like the hands are for all the witches in this one. Check the meeting scene in the trailer. Also they all wear gloves otherwise with oddly sitting middle digits. So I think this is just an update of a trait she tells him to look for. So I see it as species(?)

I actually think the CGI A Christmas Carol is one of the best on-screen adaptations of that story.

But trying to pronounce it...yeesh!

It’s a matter of money and talent.

Think he is always pretty much used as a smaller villain to show Bats take down someone a bit more then a regular thug. Kinda like a mid boss. He fills the same kinda role as Shocker does in Spiderman stories.