Dr. Theopolis

I 100% believe that this is an actual transcript.

That’s what always bothered me about Talisa. I didn’t mind them altering the character to flesh her out from the books, it’s that they made her pregnant and at the wedding just so she could be stabbed and add to the horror. Like they thought it wouldn’t be impactful enough to have a bunch of major, beloved character

Eh, I don’t disagree with your general point. Way too much violence against women in the source material, and the show absolutely ran with that and even made it worse in some instances. But in this case, when there were already several main character deaths and hundreds (thousands?) of implied deaths, there’s some

It takes a special kind of person to add MORE rape and graphic violence against women into a story that already has plenty, and by “special,” I mean awful.

I’m assuming most of the series will be Obi-Wan quarantined on Tattooine, ordering food deliveries, watching holo-movies.

I’m thinking maybe a Bondverse crossover.

I’m ok with Obi-Wan being a one off thing. If it’s made to be one single season it’ll hopefully be a more cohesive and complete story. No cliffhangers and no setting up for next season with a million unresolved story threads.

When is someone going to come to the obvious conclusion and give us a F&F/Mission: Impossible crossover?

This is going to cross over with the Riddick movies, isn’t it?

Now that Cobra Kai is a certified hit for Netflix, I’m demanding a prequel based on Daniel’s mom fighting City Hall over housing conditions on the mean streets of Newark.

I will sign any petition that demands Toto be kept

It has all the cool stuff about RoboCop except no RoboCop. It’s going to be about the evolution of Richard Jones to Dick Jones, the story of OCP and how the world moves into the future, how the corporate world behaves.

I entirely understand. I can’t think of any Dune adaptation without thinking of this.

You can’t help but sing along:

This is good Kinja.

Exactly how I feel about it. Venture Brothers had a good run and given its sporadic release schedule, I didn’t even know it was still going. It’s like trying to listen to someone tell a good story, but they keep nodding off and instead of loudly clearing your throat or lightly jostling their shoulder to keep them

This one really hurts.

It’ll always be a toss up for me which was funnier: Dr Venture waking up in a bathtub full of ice, missing BOTH kidneys; or Steve Austin’s love affair with a Bigfoot.

That was always the one saving grace for the long waits. You knew the quality would always be there because Hammer and Publick are fucking perfectionists.

Not that I’m happy about this news, but honestly, having 7 seasons where the quality never wavered is an amazing way to bow out. Also, I sincerely doubt this is the last we’ll see of the Venture family.