Dr. Theopolis

The Doctor was giving a slideshow presentation in Voyager that brought it up. I think it’s where he was trying to teach Seven about romantic encounters.

That’s fair, thank you for the correction. Like I said, I’m a white American. I only know enough about why the casting of Sunspot for the movie was dumb. I always appreciate it when someone more informed on topics helps to correct any errors I make.

It wasn't explored, just a passing reference, but Species 8472 was noted as having 5 genders.

I see where you are coming for, but it would be too easy for the closed-minded folk to handwave it as “it’s just aliens, not us” (subconsciously, even).

i think i get you, and my thought here is: star trek, after being kinda badass in the 60s, really took a back seat on social justice until Disco. they used some wild alien species contortions to address, but not too much!, the issues of the day. i think we are due for a few years of seeing the variety of HUMANS

In the world of Star Trek novels they explore this somewhat with Andorians being a 4 gendered species with all 4 genders having to be involved to procreate.

Wasn’t there a TNG episode around an entire race of non-binary people? Or maybe it was asexual. I think the issue was that Riker ended up having a relationship with one and she started to identify as definitely straight female.

So naturally, she got ‘re-educated’ into being normal through a process which was pretty

Mother of god, your last paragraph. 

All of this. These are the tactics that have worked over and over and over before in our history and elsewhere.

Is there a district or polling place that could help swing a state? You might see it closed off due to “an emergency”. Perhaps that “emergency” might involve a local curfew, road or highway closures, or something as innocuous as a DUI checkpoint—any of which could limit traffic to the polls. Individual election

Is he the guy that made the Heidi Fleiss documentary where she was initially on board, but by the end she was slamming doors in his face?

Yeah—I’m a big no on Nick Broomfield for exactly that reason.

It’s the same pattern, too. Courtney refused to co-operate with the making of Kurt & Courtney and Broomfield bad-mouthed her. It’s not quite as extreme this time — he didn’t accuse Whitney’s family of murdering her — but I agree, if I were the guardian of her estate I’d have nothing to do with him.

Best not to think too much about it? I loved the book and enjoyed a few of the films, but scratch too much and you’ll start wondering things like “why didn’t they just use their genetic engineering to make pigs that grow compatible human organs, cure multiple diseases and make even more money than a theme park?”

Another big issue is... how they can possibly justify Benjamin Lockwood never being mentioned in the series before?

I’d follow that creative team to the moon and back. Noto’s Black Widow is one of the best looking runs on a mainstream comic in the last ten years.

Huh! Perhaps Priest can make me give a shit about the Inhumans!

Has there been another cosmic “protector of the universe” type that has been immediately ineffective to the point they’ve died every time a threat comes up the way that anyone with the Quasar bands have been? It’s obnoxious.

This is fucked up. The ME can’t keep his brain, regardless of what he did during his shitty life. It belongs to his family to do with as they see fit.

Underage children cannot meaningfully consent to sex with a (much, MUCH) older man. There’s a completely out of whack balance of power there. It’s rape.