Dr. Theopolis

Didn’t I hear somewhere that the character’s name is Ned, but his surname is not established?

It seems that the real deal is you don’t seem to realize these are not continuations of the comics character. While the movies may borrow from the comics, they’re not beholden to them. So yea. Bendis can just get over himself.

To an extent it makes sense, at least more so than showing Peter as being this weird super smart high-school kid with seemingly no friends. You want to show Peter as a proper high-school aged kid with high-school aged kid issues and this mantle of responsibility that comes with suddenly getting super powers, so what

That’s a false equivalence though. When a new creator takes on a legacy character, it doesn’t (90% of the time) involve them having their backstory erased and getting a totally new name and identity. They’re carrying on the story, the original creator’s tales still happened and came before them. Even in the case of

It sounds like Marvel is focused on making this one Spider-Man story the best they can make it. Unfortunately, that means borrowing some of the better parts of other characters.

Peter Parker needed a friend who wasn’t Harry Osborn. That’s why he’s there.

100 years from now:

“or any game for that matter” Do you hate fun that much :( 

If DC would just put all the cutscenes together for the game, when the game comes out, I would pay 2.99 maybe 4.99 to watch a digital download instead for free on youtube.

I love Hellboy and Mignola, but to me most of the appeal of his work was his art. Hellboy lost something when he quit drawing it, and while i’m sure i’ll purchase this book, I’m a little sad it’s not going to include Mignola’s dark drawings.

I was just thinking... you know what the original Dune needed?

So Red Skull used to be gray?

Transformers: Jumpstart the Allspark. Transformers: Finally Some Female ‘Bots. Transformers: Has Anyone Seen the Allspark? Transformers: Search for Spark. Transformers: Decepticons Conquer Santa Claus. Transformers: We Finally Make Them Look like Generation One. Transformers: No Humans Allowed. Transformers: Cybertron

 A friend of mine calls this “The Defenders...and Peggy” referring to Iron Fist whom she believes has no business being there. And this was before the Iron Fist series aired.

If they do this again, they need to get Rachel Bloom to write at least two or three songs, and they need to be fighting ridiculous supervillains while singing at least one of them. I want a duet that’s choreographed to Kara and Barry punching King Shark.

I want to know more about that person/being that Quentin talks to about giving Alice an orgasm (if you recall, this being was having an affair with both of Alice’s parents and also had traveler abilities like Penny). My understanding is that that being/person’s biology, “gender” and gender identity didn’t line up with

crap, don’t remind me.

I have been an advocate for that since Jessica Jones. Daredevil managed - barely - to fill 13 episodes, but it still had to hit its characters with a stupid stick a few times. Then Jessica Jones came, and was well on its way to being my favourite of the set until the last five episodes... that got dragged out way to


My first guess was a couple Spaceknights