Dr. Theopolis


Didn’t know Trump University offered courses in public relations.

Awe, all that hacking gave her Carpal Tunnel. Well at least she’s ready for bureaucratic office work when she gets moved out of the field.

How’d you see the movie already!?

I have less than no interest in any Jim Lee anythings, but the Kirby idea is just golden.

Jack Kirby characters like this would be OFF THE HOOK!!!

I hate the batman character

I never knew I watned that until you just said it.

Not to mention a lot of the visual language in those movies comes from Hitch’s time on The Authority and The Ultimates.

It’s clobberin’ time somewhere.

I blame Jim Steranko ...

They don’t call him “Carl” for nothin’.

It’s gonna take more than just blindness for Alicia Masters to miss THIS.

While they are Marvel characters, this isn’t a Marvel movie.

To be fair, she had like 30 seconds of screen time.

Wasn’t she the Marshall on Iron Man 2? What is it with Marvel and recasting folks to and from Fantastic 4?