>that use their immense wealth and power to destroy people’s lives and cultures all the time
>that use their immense wealth and power to destroy people’s lives and cultures all the time
It is simple really.
Congratulations! That is wonderful news to hear!
Met the man at a con before the lockdowns. He was a genuinely nice guy and signed comics for free. He was taking donations, but you didn’t have to make one in order to chat with him, get something signed, and take a picture with him. I got my favorite issue of The New Titans signed, but if I had to pick a favorite…
So, nothing new then. I mean, I’ve read the comics this is based off of, so all of this was already known information.
Note to self: Ignore everything Linda Codega says, because this was terrible.
Sorry, this illogical. People can be both incredible at things AND assholes. This story and movie are so good exactly because Whedon is a great movie maker even if he is also an asshole. This movie given to someone else would have been totally different and likely nowhere near as good.
>Age of Ultron and the theatrical version of Justice League
>Even the fact this Chris Hemsworth horror film was produced by Joss Whedon can’t hold back its excellence.
I still say AFF-LACK! pretty regularly.
I thought I wasgoing to hate it. Came out loving it. It is my favorite since ‘89.
I see someone doesn’t understand what “historical” means.
A picture of the doll in question:
NUhura or nUhura are both better than Newhura.
>Looking to peace out and leave humanity to rot in the mess it’s made for itself between poverty, climate change, and a seeming inability for humankind to care about its fellows
There is zero debate. Cowboy Bebop is just the best.
Yes, and common knowledge would call mentioning apartheid a Poisoning The Well Fallacy.
>Polytopia is not as complex as Musk described. If anything, winning against the computer-controlled enemies was easier than any chess game I’ve ever played.
They aren’t They’re turning her into the first Captain Marvel, or Quasar if you prefer.
I would guess the comic bubble appear whenever she is day dreaming or on her way to doing so.