
I cannot stress enough, if you live somewhere where it gets cold in the winter, pay a little extra and get one with warm water hookup.


I cannot stress enough, if you live somewhere where it gets cold in the winter, pay a little extra and get one with

What’s a vehicle inspection? lol 

Keep the stealth, the caviler, the crossfire and the durango.

Sell/scrap the rest especially the jag. And the house.

I for one am totally down for a new EM-50. 

I have the toaster and quite like it. 

I have the toaster and quite like it. 

As a fan of Doctor Who that lead image is very triggering.

Are you my mummy? muuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyy? 

“Please protest in a way that we can continue to ignore you” 

Let’s be honest here. Doing literally nothing would have been better than his response.

Let’s be honest here. Doing literally nothing would have been better than his response.

It doesn’t. The original buzzfeed article, it mentions that she was posting onlyfans content from the bathroom while at work in uniform 

What property do you think the dearship’s bathroom is on? Other than... the Dealership? 

She was also making porn while at work, in uniform. Jason left that bit out but to be fair buzzfeed buried it like 25 paragraphs deep.

You left out the important bit about how she was also making porn while at work, in uniform, on company time. 

I’ll trade my my flats for your drums

First of all, the fact that they are breaded means they are not Buffalo Wings. 

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Do you want dead drivers? Because that’s how you get dead drivers.

The cars we’ve had since the introduction of the Car of Tomorrow are the reason we haven’t had any fatalities.

Keep the cars purpose built. Keep the cars safe. What you’ve suggested would

And I hate it. All the 3d gradient logos of 10 years ago look way better and have more personality than the flat boring vector logos of today

So. A bit of a bummer, but...

There is a grid that pokemon go uses called S2 cells, to determine things like gym creation and what wayspots can become pokestops. They’re called S2 cells, and they come in many different sizes. For pokestop creation, the one that matters is Level 17 S2 Cells. The rule is only one

Everything is user submitted and approved.
Players in ingress or Pokemon Go who have reached a high enough level in the game can submit points of interest. Once submitted, they are reviewed, again by high level ingress/PoGo players on 

Once a wayspot goes through the review process, if

Did you know that you have to have a Bachelor’s Degree in marketing, advertising, communications, journalism, or public relations to be a “hotdogger” and drive the Weinermobile?  

There is a weinermobile made from a mini cooper, that’s a cocktail frank.