
I’m not trying to paint him as a corporate turncoat, and I think your characterization of his positions is largely correct. I was thinking specifically about the incident during his primary campaign in 2008 when he adopted harsh rhetoric in Ohio about NAFTA while reassuring the Canadian government about his position.

Am I doing it wrong, or is the video 3 seconds long and contains 0 heavy metal?

Random comments sections are useless for arguing because no minds are ever changed, but I’ll leave you with this - governments and businesses have different metrics for success, and given the state of the air and water in the US, I’d argue the EPA has been quite successful.

Oh look, another moron who thinks gov’t should be run exactly the same as a business. Please GTFO with that shit.

This is a terrible false equivalency. Your 3% streamlining analogy leaves out the part that a company also demands growth. That’s not how the EPA works. Let’s cut 30 percent of your local firefighting budget. There aren’t any houses on fire right now.

I would contend that the budgetary considerations for a manufacturer are considerably different from the budgetary considerations for a regulatory government agency, since they have completely different structures, mandates, incomes, and reasons for existing in the first place. The EPA doesn’t make widgets and they’re

And this is exactly why a recent poll showed that the DNC has a lower favorability rating than SCROTUS, Pence, and even the RNC.

I get the sense there are a lot of media “progressives” out there who lose that progressivism right quick if it negatively affects them in any way.

“I have a deep respect for unions; my wife was a teacher for many years

Meritocracy is a fine idea. The problem is every successful person assumes that he got where he is because of merit. When the truth of the matter is 70% got lucky. 25% are assholes who stabbed their friends in the back. 4% got where they are because they are white, tall and have a full head of hair. Only 1%

I have devised plans for an ex-uber employee interview room which I will now share on the internet for a small fee. Here is a sample (Graphic Design done by myself, to save costs).

In the case of Freidman and Brooks, a small but but powerful group of rich people who want to be told comforting fairy tales about how they are the modern super heroes and meaningful political engagement isn’t really necessary to solve the world’s problems.

You can’t get so fiery this early. This is bananas, Foster.

They were not. NOT.

There was a socialist workers wing in the Nazi Party early on, but that was purged in the Night of the Long Knives.

The Nazi Party was unabashedly Fascist, and taking the NSDAP name at face value isn’t going to change that after all these years.

Lucky for us, there’s a whole generation full of people who don’t suck who are gonna shift into the position of the dominant demographic. And that generation is more “socialist” than any since the advent of public polling.

Ever heard of the “Sewer Socialists” who ran Milwaukee for decades (including during the halcyon days of the 1950s)? Pragmatic and progressive, yet palatable to Middle America. They fought for county parks, public health, better education and government-run utilities and services. And all with a minimum of corruption!

And everyone who knows anything would reply to you that the National “Socialists” whose first move was to outlaw Unions really chose the name “Socialist” for the same reason we’re talking about the “Democratic” Republic of Congo or the “Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea”(iirc the “proper” name).

Because it

democrats losing massive amounts of power and seats is the status quo

Nope! Hitler was using the language of the left in order to discredit it.