
Dear people saying “I’m cool with/I don’t care about billionaires”:

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Once again. It’s not about Republicans vs Democrats.

Please, let’s all stop calling the Democratic elite “liberal”. Even the most blood-soaked Tory in England knows it is political suicide to outwardly attack their National Health Service.

They’d rather lose to Trump than have Bernie win. These people are fucking ghouls, who care more about their money than the welfare of their country.

“Black kids don’t want to go to your school any more than you want to go to their school.”

Hey, let me be the first to wonder aloud why Splinter, an ostensibly left wing site, is running a pro-Guaidó puff piece written by a journalist from its corporate owner. Seems, uh, pretty weird you guys.

I’m sick of having nothing but bad choices but to me at least there’s a big difference between someone like Bernie who might be clueless but at least is pointed in the right direction and Harris who was a literal foot soldier for mass incarceration and the police state. Shit like this why people don’t vote at all.

Are you really a climate change denier? OK bye. 

Yet your strategy isn’t actually winning large scale elections. Obama promised universal health care by the end of his first term at a time when we had almost nothing. 

Beto... I know you think we all want another Obama, except white this time.

Condemning and seizing power and telecom for public ownership is a no brainer. Those industries could not exist without the direct subsidy of rights of way. There are also numerous successful examples of public utilities.

Literally every piece of supposed “oppo research” anyone has managed to dig up on Sanders is being met with the exact same response from pretty much everyone who thinks he should be president more than anyone else in the running should and it’s “yeah, he used to be better, but he’s always been a compromise candidate

I don’t consider him establishment because in most cases of significant policy he doesn’t support establishment policies. Not on health care, not on economic policy, issues of housing, you know the issues I’m talking about. Why would you label him establishment just because he’s been in government a long time?

He gets lumped in with the Democrats because he caucuses with them and they consider him enough of one to feature him on their website. He’s considered not part of the establishment because during those decades he’s constantly shown that he’s not willing to toe the party line even though it kept him from real power

We’re watching history. This is literally the end of being able to use this tactic to stop criticism of AIPAC and these aspects of our foreign policy after all these decades. Sorry establishment Democrats... you guys are over. You may fight for a few more years, but on universal healthcare and AIPAC and a Green Deal

“The market sets the price of rent”

People in California have no options for housing. Moving to Victorville does not count as an option. Food and phones are very abundant, as is homelessness, housing is not.

It doesn’t have to be a choice between soviet style housing or mansions for the rich. There are plenty of successful low/mixed/social housing in Europe and some in the US as well.

So if 25% of the houses in CA were forced onto the market, prices wouldnt drop?