
If readers in this thread want a genuine understanding of democratic socialism, rather than the caricature RustyWinterBeater is pushing, check this out:

Relevant twitter thread :

Your assumptions about markets and efficiency are not correct. Consumers are also workers, and the tendency of capitalism is to produce crises of overproduction, which we see repeatedly, and which further concentrate wealth. It has nothing to do with the American worker, this is a global trend that is inherent to

What is “the best economic result for the world?” You are taking for granted the measure of “best” that is imposed by capitalism—i.e. that economic growth is good in and of itself. The problem is, growth is not the same as distribution—we have massive global economic growth, but the gains flow almost exclusively to

Free for the taking! If people can reach the fruit, it’s part of the commons.

What do you mean by “internationally understood meanings”? Again, you are taking the meaning of these concepts for granted. What I mean is what I said: the idea of “an ethnicity” is the creation of a history of political, social, and economic forces. For example, there is no “Icelandic” identity *unless one is

I don’t think you understood my comment. What is “ethnicity”? You are taking the meaning of that word for granted, when in fact it is a highly contingent and historically produced idea.

Your definition of “homogenous” is showing. You are projecting a contemporary American definition of “difference” onto other societies and times—what appears “homogenous” from an American perspective is not an objective reality. The “homogeneity” (in the sense of high social cohesion) of the societies you reference is

Your argument is circular: difference is the cause of “tribalism,” and “tribalism” creates divisions between people. The key to resolving the contradiction is to realize that there is no such thing as “race” independent of the specific, material manifestations of racial ideology in a particular society. In other

Cool. A request though: read Keeanga Yamahtta Taylor’s book From #Blacklivesmatter to Black Liberation.

You are severely downplaying and misunderstanding the housing crisis. Obama made a clear choice of bankers over homeowners. You can argue that was a good decision for the economy as a whole (you’d be wrong, but you can argue it), but you can’t argue that it was good for the African American middle class. Obama didn’t

The word “wrongly” is doing a whole bunch of work in your post. It is not leftists who are wrong about Obama’s impact on black people, it is you.

The part where money from your compensation goes to health insurance. You’re paying for it, even if the money is deducted from your compensation before it hits your bank account.

“It is part of my compensation.” my head explodes. You understand how stupid this is right?

We already pay for healthcare, education, etc. It’s just a question of how we pay, and socialized systems are cheaper for everyone. Would you rather pay 10% of your income in taxes for a public system, or 15% in insurance for a private one? That’s the choice.

How many members does the Democratic Party have? 0, because it is not built on a membership model. You’re comparing apples and oranges.

hahahaha Jonah Goldberg try again

This is completely wrong.

They’re actually not—for example single payer health care is massively popular.