
Eccelston great on The Leftovers. That is all I have to contribute to this.

So in your whole entire life you’ve never complained about a job?

Julie Andrews declined to participate. She didn’t want to steal Emily’s thunder. Practically perfect in every way.

My brother uses this argument against the new Star Wars movies and the Transformers movies. He says they are ruining his childhood. No. Your childhood already happened, those memories are set in stone they cannot be altered. If you choose to think poorly of something that happened in your childhood because of

Golden Girls and Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.

And Jesus sayeth, ‘thou shalt say sorry and thou shalt receive a do-over. If thou shalt fuck up said do-over, no worries, thou shalt again say sorry and thou shalt receive another do-over.’

Not sure why you chose Married with Children but I personally wouldn’t be surprised by anything from that set. That show was clearly conceived by a bunch of bitter middle aged men and executed by bitter young men. Wouldn’t surprise me if sexist vibes from the show translated into sexist vibes on the set. Especially

Lies. Pence would never betray Mother’s loyalty like that.

A little arrogant I think.

I’m in NJ, we get NYC Jeop & WoF, Jeop is at 7, WoF at 7:30


Nah man it’s totally going to be Darryl. He’s made “friends” with one of the saviors and that’s not going to end well.

I thought the cars were stopping the bullets and the sheet metal was for concealment. I might have to rewatch it because yeah that wouldn’t make any sense.

I was wondering the same.

I was also curious how sheet metal was now bulletproof.

That could be part of “This isn’t about you”...”This isn’t about me”.

So many bullets flying and so few people getting hit. They couldn’t be worse shots if they were Imperial Storm Troopers.

I am calling it here.

I’ve enjoyed Dr. Who from the 2005 reincarnation to present. I have tried to watch the pre 2005 Who, but just could not get into it. The current incarnation seems to be the perfect amalgamation of all that came before, keeping the parts that worked, and discarding those that did not.