
we need it since last year actually

I tell you, they might never let Sammy into the Hall of Fame, but he's getting closer and closer to being allowed into a country club.

I'm gonna go ahead and predict that the story is what'll be changed the most.

The story did sound incredibly cool, but it always felt like it was too "controversial" for Ubisoft suits to be comfortable with putting to market. Because god forbid a game actually touch on sensitive subjects.

Money says the terrorists are

Yeah, it's not like two brand new consoles launched this year with full launch lineups, and we saw amazing triple A games like The Last of Us, Bioshock Infinite, and Super Mario 3D World come out.

I expect nothing but classy responses in these comments. Don't fail me, man-children!

I dont know, in our house "real tree vs fake tree" was a much bigger debate than the light color. The gf and I nearly came to blows over this one, especially since she doesnt allow me to use a damn paper napkin, but is all of a sudden OK with hacking an entire live tree to death for our entertainment.

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

Make it $500 and I'll be all over that

Ah, sorry, I'm from NorCal, I get this mixed up all the time. Is this better?

Well, for starters, the headline would be "No, The Xbox One Doesn't Have A 'Wobbling' Problem."

Spoilers: this week is PS4 launch week, so there will be a shitload of Sony coverage.

well...yeah. I dunno if you've ever looked at a resolution chart, but they're quite informative....

Right? All he needed to do was make her barefoot and only appear in the Kitchen Level and we'd be set.

I can't wait to play the game to find out his "totally deep and understandable reasoning" behind this...

Please don't shatter my beloved stereotypes by providing video of thoughtful NFL players.

And here's Opera.

Of course it's a horribly shot video, Barry. It's the only place in the world where the videos are actually filmed with potatoes.

Can you dial it back on the correct spelling? It's ruining my suspension of disbelief?

Is anyone else tired of these low quality video's of Toronto's Mayor acting the fool??

In an incredible display of team unity, the entire defense followed Kubiak's lead and collapsed in the second half.