Max and the Magic Marker is back? Its from the same guys
Max and the Magic Marker is back? Its from the same guys
Those were all portable ports though. I'm sure Ready at Dawn could create a full scale ratchet and clank game that would be better than the last two for sure.
This isn't going to do pretty things for their relationship with Sony. And considering Msoft is publishing it theres no chance its a timed exclusive.
Insomniac are being complete wankers here.
We've reached terminal golf!…
People get turned away from services all the time. The granddaddy of this policy is Reagan who started our practice of releasing mental patients to the streets, often so because they are pressured due to lack of funding.
Yeah, he wants to magically address it without increasing funding. Because mental health services are just rolling in the money right now.
This is such freaking bullshit. The Mental health system in this country has been substantially deprived since Reagan gutted it. It is entirely about spending government funding on mental health. Look at how crowded mental health facilities are, look how poor the quality is, actually take a second too examine how long…
This is going to flop so bad, i'm afraid of the fall out.
Luke in the original report (and some other interviews out there) they seem to clearly say that *Sony* will not block it's own games from going second hand.
What's the verdict on touch screen responsiveness?
Can we call insomniac dead at this point? I mean I'm looking forward to R&C Full frontal assault, but All 4 One was pretty bad, the resistance series was unmemorable, and this looks like generic futuristic crap.
Resistance was way to dark for a Insomniac franchise. They couldn't introduce the levity they are known for into it just because it wouldn't work in the resistance cannon. It's a poor studio pairing.
This will be the best launch game ever.
Will this displace the Owen in the wearable sleeping bag picture as everyones favorite Owen to shop?
greatest video game ad ever.
Yes! an assassins creed for vita AND a smugeproof Vita for american shores.
It did. they won't have the spectacular crashes because they use licensed cars. I really hate EA right now. Need for speed hasn't meant shit as a brand for almost a decade. This is a bunch of suits justifying their ownership of a brand.
agh. When is EA going to learn that Burnout is a more valuable brand than need for speed.
Voted littlebigplanet (which i presume means Get it Together) just because I really want to see the London Philharmonic use a meloidica