
That’s like a baby’s toy!

Mike Rowe has grown increasingly tiresome over the years and I’m certainly no friend of oil companies, but you are INCREDIBLY naive if you think the reach of petrochemicals only extends in any significance into fuel for power generation. Without petrochemical processing you lose out on raw materials involved in all

you may have noticed some of our sister sites have been given a similar treatment over the last few months

Because journalism?  Just a thought.  

Maybe dig before you write a story.

Based on recent history I expect this post will be deleted, but while it’s up:

Well yeah Erik, but we want automotive journalism, not politically biased opinions included in a car enthusiast driven web site / blog.

“The Bronco was in development long before Trump started mishandling a global pandemic.”

Although I am surely not the first to comment about this... There is a place on Kinja for political spin and bias, and it isn’t Jalopnik. I had a conversation over the weekend with 4 friends who are all car guys, and we all agreed that the content on Jalopnik is straying further and further from what we want to read.

Exactly what history are people trying to “wipe out”? The fact that the Confederate States of America were a thing that was tried because some slave owners thought that a moderate on the issue of abolition was going to stop them from owning people? Oddly enough, we can actually learn from the former soviet republics

I can imagine my comment will be censored, but every single quote you posted from Trump is spot on. Also, what land isn’t stolen? That’s what happens over time. Civilizations are conquered by other civilizations. What is your bar for this? Does it expire after a certain period of time? Do you consider England ‘stolen

All protests are peaceful until one person decides to do something not peaceful. The peaceful protesters were already committing a crime (trespassing), a crowd of hundreds going past the gates, likely chanting something not very peaceful. The recent history of protests under that same banner included violence,

Perhaps when you are done laughing you will research the US history of retaliation against protestors.

Complaining about people being videotaped in public, who are protesting because a heinous action was videotaped in public, is hysterical.

Nope. The car was stopped and searched due to a call about somebody brandishing a firearm. The vehicle fit within the description. When searched, they found drugs. Legal search. He ran and it was unknown whether he had a firearm or not as well as he was wanted for fwlony charges. Had his dumb ass not run, he wouldn’t

A particularly alarming trend is the use of vehicles to attack crowds of protesters.

A group of “peaceful” protesters forms a circle around your car, holding hands.

The police ramming these rioters don’t really bother me . There is a difference between protesters and rioters  .Protesters should be protected rioters need to be protected against . When a crowd attacks it can get real ugly real fast .

The bigger mystery to me is, who watches these videos? Who follows these people and wants to listen to basic people spewing basic shit for 45 minutes, which could be condensed into 2 minutes but they stretch it out foreeeeever to get more $$$$?

It wasn’t a hospital it was an urgent care clinic.  They aren’t near the same thing.