
Btw, you can get a pdf of the Constitution here and make your own booklet.

Ugh that's despicable.

Hi! Glad to see you back. I’m just getting set to watch the “Commander-in-Chief Forum.” Can’t wait to watch Hillary destroy the orange bloviator. I have become one of your “followers” but I’m not sure what that means? Will I see all your posts now? Maybe you can explain? I’m too tired to figure anything out anymore.

But the Trona Pinnacles are pretty cool, especially for photographers.

You have a good therapist, which I don’t. I will write this down in my notes, so I don’t forget such wise words: “Feelings won’t go away until you actually feel them; you can’t reason them away.”

Are you me? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Most of the time I only feel hate-fire and that only damages me. You know that old story about the 2 Buddhist monks put in prison then later released? One asked the other if he still had any hate toward those that imprisoned them. The other said, of course I still hate them. Then the other monk said, in that case,

Aw I’d like that too. My mom likes to have one cookie and some tea at 3:00 every afternoon. Wish you could join us!

You’re a sweet person, I can tell because you’re so kind in your responses. I keep envisioning a future because without that hope, I cry every day, especially because I know my mom is on her way out and she and I get along so well she’s like my best friend. After 25 years in LA, I moved to a little town called Bishop,

So funny! But I bet she’d change her mind if she ever met my cat, Larrymania. He scares the shit out of me. Yesterday he dragged a half dead mouse into the house as his gift to me, but the damn thing was squirting blood all over as he ran around the house with it while I yelled at him like a lunatic for doing what

You’re so right, since I’ve been away from these friends for 6 years now, it’s been easier to let go, though I’m still flabbergasted by their response. And it’s not like my friends are uneducated cretins, one teaches at UC Irvine, another at Cal State LA, and another at Laguna College of Art & Design. Absolutely, I

You're a sweetheart.

Just joking of course, but is your name in any way connected to the Avenging Narwhal? Because this is what I'd like to do to my rapist.

Fuck I can’t imagine what I’d feel if my rapist tried to friend me on FB. This man clearly is one clueless asshole. What a shitty thing to do to you. I’m sorry that happened.

Here’s a pic of one of my dog named River who sends out puppy love, hugs and sloppy kisses to you all.

Aww, thanks UsagiBunny. *hugs*

Thanks for the hugs and the kindness you’ve shown. I’m sorry this happened to you too. It’s infuriating that this keeps happening to women. I remember a comment someone made on another article: that when you’re robbed people believe you, when your car is stolen people believe you, but with rape, it’s assumed that

Thank you $7Coffee. I do need positive reinforcement that I'm not crazy and that dumping my friends was the right choice. That's why I love Jezebel, on so many sites you get attacked for commenting, whereas here you get support from people that care and give internet hugs to a stranger.

I was sexually assaulted by a friend of some very good friends—people I had known for over 15 years. (Who, btw, know I’ve been a lifelong lesbian.) I didn’t know the guy who assaulted me—he was just at the same party. Yes, I was drunk and unconscious when I felt his hand in my pants trying to penetrate me. I had to