
"Decent enough for a first novel". I'm hoping the Marvel money gets him into a position where he can work productively on the sequel.

I'm glad I'm not the only person who immediately flashed to that.

First off: Is it necessary that Clippy be female?

That is awesome.

That is some fucking bullshit right there.

Wait what?! They dropped Will Harris? What the ever-loving fuck?

Seriously? Because whatever that would be, I would watch the hell out of it.

John Waters or Paul Verhoevan?

It says something about that book that even the Hannibal TV show couldn't make the Vergers interesting.

Goddamnit. Time to queue up "Stop Making Sense" tonight.

Agreed. While watching it, I went from "WTF why did they replace Molly with this off-brand bullshit" to "thank fucking God they didn't drag Molly into this atrocity."

It certainly doesn't compress well, but in absolute terms a short loop of it is small enough (a megabyte or ten) that you can just toss it into the flash memory that's part of most modern TVs and nobody would notice or care.

Answer appears to be no. DVD's still in print if you feel like wagering $15.

The best part of that is that it's not actually static. Static being an artifact of what happens when an analog tuner can't get synced with a signal and instead delivers a stream of noise to the analog inputs of the display tube, and none of those things even exist in your TV.

Geeze, not even available on iTunes, nevermind Amazon or Netflix. Am I gonna have to…buy a DVD?

Fun story about the Johnny Mnemonic movie: Gibson deliberately replaced Molly (who was in the original story) in the script with "Jane" (played by Dita Mayer) because the option deal for "Neuromancer" included all rights to Molly's character.

Neuromancer has been stuck in development hell pretty much since the book was published. Everybody and their cat has been attached to direct it for a while. Cunningham and Gibson were allegedly working on a script draft circa 2000, but it never went anywhere. Most recently Vincenzo Natali was working on it and had

most of the hardcore cyberpunk community don't recognize it as being cyberpunk or in the spirit of Gibson's story at all

The daily mail, in addition to its long and illustrious history of supporting fascists, is also really not known for its accurate science reporting.