They've basically reversed Prax and Basia. Not really sure why that was necessary.
They've basically reversed Prax and Basia. Not really sure why that was necessary.
…which was a nice touch, given that the actual "seawall" was almost certainly somewhere on Lake Ontario. :)
You can order the dish on amazon, although I think the hinged top was made for the show by the props department:…
It's okay, we were all there. Honestly, whoever cut the X3 trailer is one of the unsung geniuses of the film industry: he or she managed to find all 30 seconds of competent filmmaking in that mess and string it together into a single, compelling advertisement for a movie that sadly did not actually exist.
Since you mentioned Elsa Bloodstone I am contractually obligated to note that what Netflix REALLY needs to do is NEXTWAVE.
The trailers for Man of Steel made it look at least potentially interesting.
In fairness, I'll give it this: the f/x of Flash's movement are 100% on point.
To be fair, it could also be a Blake's 7 tribute.
"Shall we?" Geeze, even Wonder Woman sounds like this whole thing is a contractual obligation for her.
As long as they continue to publish Ms. Marvel and The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, they won't have completely fallen off, but… yeah. Not a lot other than that seems to be working for them right now.
Jones was gonna get crazier as time went by no matter what, and for the last 8 years the dude in the White House was a Democrat, so that was his default target. Add to that the already existing (and highly compatible) fever swamp of conspiracy theories around the Clinton family and maybe a dash of Russian money to…
Given that Jones is taking the AFAIK unprecedented step of publicly apologizing, I'm guessing that the lawsuit was already gearing up.
Was it an english civil war joke, or an 80s goth-punk band joke?
Clarke Peters and Zeljko Ivanek, so both the Wire and Homicide are represented.
Well done, Tom. Everything I could have wanted to say about this glorious, amazing, hilarious film you pretty much hit on. This was the one actual John Woo Film that John Woo got to make during his sojourn in the states, and while I wish we'd gotten more of him, you can never say he didn't give it his all here.
IN TWO DAYS *cut to picture of Ben Affleck looking really tired* BATMAN TAKES A NAP
(It would give Earth an edge on any planet-bound battles, but I’m guessing there are ways around this.)
So… I take it that the NFL is not the only sports league with a traumatic brain injury problem that their doctors are covering up?
From several accounts, including Jones himself, he basically wasn't able to: he did a little prep during pre-production and had basically zero time during primary shooting for anything else.
Queens of the Stone Age would like a word.