
What this guy said. Even then it's not essential, but it's basically worth it as the wind-up to "Sleeping in Light".


It was based on this movie that I was completely, totally stoked for Ang Lee's "Hulk".

You can say a lot of things about the widescreen releases of B5, but "unproblematic" is not one of them. :(

Yeah, this. I sold off the DVDs a while back — just couldn't justify the shelf space when the whole thing was on Prime streaming. But a solid BR release? I'd part with some coin for that.

Out of curiosity, has Ryan ever said anything about what the original plan for Kavanaugh's plotline was going to be? I basically agree that the ending we got was pretty close to optimal, but I'm curious if they were planning on having him stick around all the way to the end.

*looks at photo*

Well, the Doctor did basically accuse him of having FUCKING MOOD SWINGS…

Holy shit. It was driving me INSANE throughout this episode: I knew I'd seen Colonel Blue somewhere before. His voice was so damn familiar. Well, IMDB to the rescue:

To coin a phrase, you ain't just whistlin dixie.

Well, that's the thing. They're good at it. They're an awful company in a lot of ways, but when they paid millions of dollars for the Muppets? They turned around and made some acceptable muppet movies. When they paid four BILLION dollars for Marvel? That worked out okay too. I'm even legitimately if cautiously

Oh man. Similarly, I hadn't watched any Tom & Jerry until Baby Doctor Memory came along, and, uh… wow. I had apparently completely failed to retain any memories about the amazing level of violence in those shorts. "Itchy & Scratchy" was really more of a pastiche than a parody.

Gah. "People hated this dumb thing we were doing with these characters! Quick, stop doing the smart thing we were also doing with these characters!"

A live-action film with 20-30 minutes of animation composited on top of it is much cheaper and faster to produce than an entire animated feature.

Few things in this world are more dispiriting as watching Warner Brothers once every few years wake up, realize that they still own the Looney Tunes / Merrie Melodies characters, and decide that they just gotta do something with them… and immediately convene a bunch of hacks to make a terrible 2-hour live-action

Thank you. I saw Krull in the theaters for my 11th birthday: totally amped for it, because they'd been hyping it for months ahead of its release, and the trailers looked, to my preteen mind, like the height of awesomeness.

so did we all, man.

Eh, that's like saying that Jean Grey will stay dead. Movie spidey will be Peter Parker until someone at Marvel/Disney thinks that they can turn a profit with a Miles Morales movie. :)

Speaking as someone who likes Donald Glover (but not so obsessively that I'm broken up about him leaving Community) and who loves the Miles Morales character and wishes Marvel would do more with him outside the occasionally-published Ultimate Spider-Man series, I'm just delighted. More please.

One, two, Freddy's coming for you…