
The latter, maybe.  The former, almost certainly not: converting to even Reform Judaism is extremely difficult and is discouraged as a matter of doctrine.  (Quite literally, Rabbis are supposed to turn away applicants at least three times before even entertaining the question.)

To Sam L below (because disqus is weird and won't let me respond): "frum" basically means "religiously (ie talmudically) correct".  The word gets used with anything from zero to high levels of irony and sarcasm, the latter end of the spectrum almost always encapsulated in a dismissive "more frum than thou."

This movie is proof that Claude Lanzmann was, if anything, being too kind to Spielberg.  Fuck him and his sentimentalist war pornography and — yes — the horse he rode in on.

I think many or most traditional oval football stadiums put a lot of the team facilities underground, underneath the playing field.

They're pretty much as terrible as the worst reports would have it, and yet I finished all three.  You sorta have to grade them on a curve: Larsson definitely had some talent, and they were clearly a labor of love, but he died before he could ever feel the touch of an actual editor.

Here's the thing about Oldman.  He works a LOT.  Constantly.  And yeah, some of his roles are clunkers.

I'm guessing "everyone".

Best gimmick poster ever.

Quannum Records: pretty much their entire lineup.  It's a weird gimmick, but it works.

Why it’s daunting: so much terrible music.  SO MUCH.

Stupid disqus won't let me add this comment further down, but whatever: can I convince you to start contributing to wikitravel in your spare time?

True enough: being the only viable land route in between 2.5 major continents is basically gonna doom you to having armies roll through on a regular basis.  So either you lie down and take it, or you get really good at guerrila warfare.  Three guesses what the Afghans did…

True, but the JF-17 will more than do the job.

At least with, say, the Belgians, there was no conceivable argument that you'd been royally fucked up, down and sideways.  The British had this brilliantly evil strategy of co-opting just enough of the local population that even after the empire collapsed you'd get an amen chorus of "oh, but they were such NICE

An inexcusable oversight.  I'd go back and edit it, but that'd look weird now that you pointed it out.

It will come as a bit of a surprise to Pakistan to hear that they're part of the middle east. :)

Every time you post on any article having to do with anything relating to childrens' entertainment, I pity you a tiny bit more.  Well played, I guess.

To be fair to the Indians… they're pretty much correct on all counts.  Sigh.

God damn you for making me remember that terrible, terrible movie.

You made exactly the right decision.  I kept plugging away at the damn thing, hoping that an interesting story would eventually coalesce.  No luck, to put it mildly.