
The drunk chick is definitely, absolutely a horrible person, but there’s a balance of power to be considered here when it turns into a physical altercation. He’s a super strong NFL linebacker, she’s a not-particularly-strong woman in a dress.

Seeing them at 22-10 seems likes years ago, not weeks.

This was such a fun season. For a month.

Their concern is to put food on the table, so they voted for the candidate that vowed to destroy the social safety net that provides food stamps. Makes sense.

You mean a massive jobs plan like this one detailed in her campaign site? (I’m not a huge Hillary fan, but fair is fair.)

Once again another piece on the poor white worker that doesn’t get into the exclusion efforts that these workers practiced for decades as a reason for being left behind. The failure to progress and be inclusive is a major reason for the current state of the white blue collar worker. They voted against their interest

“West Virginians’ dislike for the Democratic Party’s positions on hot-button social issues has become stronger than their affinity for the party on economic issues.”

Because there’s a genuine difference. With ebonic names it’s to show solidarity with African-American culture. There’s actually been studies regarding ebonic names.

Kaeden deserves to be bullied to within an inch of his life.

Is the Eastern Shore the weirdest place in America? I feel like it’s gotta make a top 10 list.

Bah Gawd, that’s Rex Ryan’s music!

Sad how soft modern hockey players have become.

When someone does something for you, THEY, not you, determine who it was done for.

Not to belittle the deaths of your colleagues, but they didn’t die “for me.” They died fighting a war no one wanted and that probably didn’t need to be fought, for their government. Say they died “for their country” if you really want to be charitable about it.

Steve Bannon looks like if the mucus from the Mucinex commercial found a portal to the human world.

Steve Bannon looks like your mom’s cousin that you’re not supposed to be alone with.

Steve Bannon looks like every description of Wilbur Whately from HP Lovecrafts “The Dunwich Horror.”

Steve Bannon looks like Emperor Palpatine after being locked in a Burger King for 8 months.

The Islanders are a conundrum. It just seems to mismanaged to me. They have one of the best players in the sport, and despite a down year, a fairly competitive team. In a city like NY, where hockey is proven to work, I don’t know why they can’t grab a bigger piece of the pie.

Dear Sirs;