Doctor Harlequinade

I am going through what I thought was going to be my “real period” as we speak. Nope. More miscarriage. Women and men need to be more informed. I feel as if I could have written exactly what was posted by Marisa, because thats exactly the story of my last 8 weeks. HOWEVER I feel like Wonder Woman, because my body is

15 % of the US population is a negative blood type. Those women who are negative blood typed cannot have a posive baby without medical attention. Who would have thought i only have 15% (and thats men and women....sooo) of the population i can make a healthy baby with? Without the pain of “trying”?

I had no idea with mine. I have had up to 13 (no way to be sure just found out im RH negative and my husband is RH positive and we seriously just thought he couldn’t get me pregnant) but since I miscarry at 6-8 weeks, I honestly thought it was a heavy period and cramps that were hell. I used to think a period was a