
I feel like a reminder that he believes that should be the chyron every time he is shown on TV being the president, like the "SIMULATED CONDITIONS" disclaimer in commercials where a car drives up the side of a skyscraper.

Rockman is what Mega Man is called in Japan. Come to think of it, Mega Man kind of is a Super-Skrull.

WCW/NWO World Tour had a button for the wrestlers' signature taunts, and it was actually gameplay-functional, as taunting would build up your spirit meter so you could do finishing moves. It was sweet.

I feel like they didn't finish the video. Or maybe, just maybe, it was just a throwaway concept that was funny as a tweet that GJI tried to sell as a full-fledged comedy video.

Aw, I already knew that.

Yo, goober! Where's the meat?

"Jake Paulers are the strongest army out there.”
I don't know, the United States Army is a pretty good one too.


I feel like I would have really enjoyed, say, Bette Davis's twitter feed, though.

"I'm not thinking stupid enough." - Mike, responding to Rich's completely idiotic idea that will definitely be in the movie.

Are we still doing "It can be two things"?

I like the one where he makes out with Steve Railsback.

Sending Stanhope's Bingo to negotiate a Mideast peace deal would be awesome.

Lemme at 'em. I want to berate them for bankrupting the napkin companies.

He's a high-quality person.

"Hey Doc" - Shake Shack employees

He's certainly not saying he was at the gym, we know that much at least.

Stink. Stank. Stunk!

I have to ask, didn't you think it was a trifle unnecessary to see the crack in the Indian's bottom?

"Here comes F. Murray Abraham, the man who can climb anything."