
as a brown dude, let me just say that MTV's "resolutions for white dudes in 2017" video that hit facebook last week was probably the most cringe worthy thing I've ever seen. especially since the video featured a bunch of white dudes. thanks for tackling the race issue, network that brought us teen mom and jersey shore.

saw the score and misread the title as "the duelists" and was prepared to write a really angry comment without reading the article


can't long into mine either (RIP)

I finished Ligotti's Grimscribe and Songs of a Dead Dreamer (highly recommend both) and I'll be starting Nevill's Apartment 16 tonight. I will take my spooky reading month far beyond just spooky month!

If there was ever a time to post in FTS rather than HTS… but I will leave it to you all who are more intelligent and elegant (well, maybe not the elegant part, considering all the f words being thrown around in there) than me. I want to stay positive. I am HTS because I get a 4 day weekend for Veteran's Day. And I

yes but as we have discussed numerous times on this site, nerds are the worst fans. so they definitely took that line and ran with it, for no justifiable reason

everything as _gate is far more obnoxious in my opinion

ghostface is going to fuck you up for this

while i agree with his points, he was a drug dealer himself so perhaps he didn't do much to help the situation either

i'm all about the hate for this guy but do we really need to give him more headlines? especially on the comedy pop culture website?

only 90s kids will get this

heh I had that pegged as a least important, based on my stealth build, but the game seems to be much more lenient than the original in giving you upgrades, so I bet I can get everything without much effort. I'll prioritize typhoon higher now though

It can be tough for first timers, especially if you're not aware of 2e AD&D combat. I highly recommend checking out a walk through for BG1 in order to get a good idea as to how to build a character and initial party and where to look for low level plot hooks. If you can't get into it, just go play BG2; it'll review

Baldur's Gate (2) is a game I replay pretty much once a year. So amazing. I bought the EE versions this summer but haven't touched them yet. I'll probably do a full series play through with them in the winter

yea I've only fought one boss so far, and luckily I had a rocket launcher in my inventory so he was trivial, but I usually only carry a revolver, a double barrel shotgun, and a crossbow so i'll be screwed on th enext one

Yo don't let the offhand comment prevent you from going back and getting / staying fit.

mc chris… freddy Krueger… what year is this

I watched the first season and it did not click for me, at all. Was not interested in any of the characters or anything else. But, to those who like it, more power to you because it is nice to see stuff like this come into the mainstream

I watched the two Ewok spin off movies a lot when I was a kid. Rented them from Hollywood Video many a weekend in the summer time.