
its no mystery that predator has always been aliens' greatest enemy. its almost like a muslim-jewish thing but with tits and ass

after he stops pretending to be hardass mercenary for the first thirty minutes. Or is that a different character?

Google Prometheus engineer, you'll see one of the opening images of the movie and the hate will make sense

the xenomorph has to dodge cannonballs shot by Schafer as it attempts to run down field and save it's egg

The ship's medical officer notes that after bursting from its host, the creature often develops unique characters derived from the host; leading to the possibility of unlimited varieties of hybrid species.
Kenny Powers: "I transcend race, hombre"

Kenny Powers, after another crewmember suggests that their only chance for survival is to go into the ship's ventilation and hunt it down themselves, "I got two rules I live by; I don't fuck with the devil. And I don't do tag teams with blood relatives"

Kenny Powers, before jettisoning the Alien out the airlock with a grappling hook, "You're fucking out"

pinkychu is my favorite DOOMemon

You sure showed those WBC fuckers with that snarky picture. Oh wait, no you didn't you did exactly what they wanted by putting their name back in the public eye! They're a church of like 100 people who know they are among the most hated people in America; they don't actually believe they can convert or change anyone's

Lyanna Marmont for Queen of the North

Fond memories watching this as a kid in the 90s with my dad. I remember watching it late night on SciFi over the summer. He worked longed hours, plus was in the reserves and working on a Master's, so watching tv after mom/sisters were asleep while he worked on school stuff on the computer was sort of our hang out