
For anyone who still says, “GG isn’t all bad! It’s really about ethics in game journalism!”:

Weeks after GG’s beginnings, Breitbart writer and GG icon Milo Yiannopolous publicly, falsely accused Zoe Quinn of defrauding a charity, called iFred. When the charity vouched for her, GGers went on to harass and accuse the

I said official review. Take a look on the left side. “No score yet,” based on 1 critic. That critic, ActionTrip, gave it a 50.

Most of the user reviews, where the 1.7 rating comes from, are people spamming 0’s, and most of those date to after the start of GG.

Do you admit now that the reviews you claimed she slept

You know, you were right about one thing: Metacritic isn’t a hard site to find. It’s plain for all to see that the reviews aren’t there. Any look through any archive of the site will you show you the same thing; they never were, because they weren’t real. That should have been plain to you. But you let what you wanted

There’s one official review of DQ on Metacritic, and it’s a 50. You don’t know how to fact check. Again, the reviews she supposedly slept around for do not exist, and never did, except in GG’s imagination.

And no, I’m not going to Google “Zoe Quinn Nude,” you creep.

Mm-hmm. Where are these reviews, Shingo? If they’re so easy to find, why can’t you find even one?

Well, here’s @sort_nom’s tweet from that screenshot, and ZQ’s actual response to it:

“The fact that a certain individual was literally screwing for good reviews?” That’s not a fact, Shingo. It’s a bald-faced lie. Not one person she allegedly slept with ever reviewed her game. Not one. Ever. GG has spent the last eight months obsessively digging through everyone’s garbage, all across the internet,

Well, ironically, a lot of her early publicity came from her detractors. (She had a well-publicized dust-up with Wizardchan several months before thezoepost.) Game journalists also covered her for being one of the first developers to use a bona fide cyberware implant (the chip in her hand).

As for why Depression Quest

Nathan Grayson wrote six words about Quinn’s game, calling it “thoughtful,” months before the alleged nookie. That’s it. That’s the “scandal.” Over the last eight months of mass obsession, GG has cooked up fantasy after fantasy about her, trying to retroactively justify all the defamation and abuse. But those six

Milo’s not a good person. Good people don’t mock other people when their dogs are dying.