He might as well go twenty years back (sorry, not at all equivalent to Thomas Jefferson, etc.) since he’s accusing Tamblyn of being a liar when she’s pointing out something he did back then.
He might as well go twenty years back (sorry, not at all equivalent to Thomas Jefferson, etc.) since he’s accusing Tamblyn of being a liar when she’s pointing out something he did back then.
Wow, that is chilling. Thanks for the link—why on earth is the judge bending over backwards letting him out on but then giving so many stipulations that it’s obvious the court is terrified of him becoming violent again? When it comes right down to it, all these things he is “ordered” to do come down to him (in…
And you’ve intrigued me—who is this attempted murderer who’s somehow not in jail awaiting trial, that has the audacity to be publicly whining online about how women “drive” men blah blah blah instead of shutting the fuck up and oozing off into the shadows to await his court date? Is he on probation or out on bail? Do…
It was that she was literally hearing the voice of God, but neither she nor anyone around her could figure out if it was real or some kind of delusion. I found that show actually quite funny, poignant and unusual. Not “highway to heaven”/”touched by an angel” at all. Often there was no feel good ending or even any…
How old are you? Because I’m an Old, in my mid-40s and grew up in Chicago and there were mom and pop corner stores all over, in every neighborhood. We didn’t necessarily call them “bodegas” but they were placed were the community could shop and kids could get snacks and feel temporarily rich with pocket change when…
If she had just started singing (or “spittin’ out rap”) I bet the homeless guy would have fled long before any other weapons were involved.
Chilling, that poor old man. I’m glad you have a happy ending (or let’s say, a happy new beginning). . . :)
The tone of this piece is super weird. It’s kind of mocking Obama for continuing to visit and inspire ordinary American schoolchildren to espouse crazy values like voting, community activism, and general decency. I’d love for Obama or Michele to pop into my kids’ schools. It would be a timely reminder of what…
Warning: If you want to go down a real rabbit-hole, check out her actual employment history. Running a company which hires out “hot girls, but girls who really are into the sports they’re promoting”, like skateboarding and ski jumping and other X-treme events where scantily clad, orange hued women can promote your…
Come on, Daddy Quackenbush*, this is getting embarrassing. Save it for the courtroom. Or your Nashville pals that will now give serious side-eye to your batshit daughter.
Daddy Quackenbush?
It may be because socio-political conversation is frowned upon in your family, but there’s really no need to point out this guy’s redemptive skills at the grill. He might seem like a swell guy, but parading about in a MAGA cap (which others apparently have to warn you is his big boy cap and not to be mocked, or even…
Oh lordie, that commercial just went on. And on. And on. And I couldn’t look away.
I’m so sorry. I hope you have gotten some good therapy and have a much safer life.
I hesitate to bring your rage spewing out of the grays but, ok, here we go. . .
What do you mean she refuses to explain herself? It’s my understanding she has expressed that there is no significant explanation for what she did, beyond being caught up in the madness living with the constant indoctrination of Manson, which is the epitome of cult craziness. What could she explain that could excuse…
I have read a lot about her case over the past years and I’m not wholly convinced she’s a psychopath. You should read up on cult psychology and how brainwashing and depersonalization can indoctrinate almost anyone. Cult leaders, religious or otherwise, are so frightening because they use their charisma and their own…
Lol, my parents watched it, it was around the same time as “Moonlighting” and had that proper lady detective/charming rogue, I love you/I hate you/make love to me flirtation. I don’t think I ever saw a full episode, but it did get Pierce Bronson on the Hollywood radar :)