
I loved Fury Road. And my three favourite characters from films in 2015 were 1) Rey 2) Furiosa 3) Poe Dameron. Try again lazy!

Translation: I don't like reading things that I disagree with.

Because I am sure The Mary Sue would like to think it has more to offer than such a reductive description. But based on its reputation and most of the content I've read it's lucky I even wasted my time.

Yep! I hate women. End of debate it would seem!

Nope. But if you are still excited for the movie after seeing those trailers then you just have low standards.

Commenting on grammar because you have nothing of value to say? Thats a shame.

so clever!

well I just found the tone of this article a bit off to say the least considering Marvel has given us an amazing female fronted show in the last year alone with JJ. And we are supposed to be impressed by the utterly insulting waste of WW in BvS and a 'possible' project involving Harley? and they hang this critique on

It doesn't upset me at all. I love Black Widow. I just don't think her character is screaming out for a solo movie. I think there are far more interesting female characters they could use which would take the MCU in a different direction than the Shield/Winter Soldier/Civil War one which while it has been brilliant

The trailer is rubbish. Total garbage. Saying so doesn't make anyone a sexist. I was excited that my Niece who loves the MCU and the new SW might get to enjoy a decent female-lead Ghostbusters movie in the same way I got to enjoy the male-lead one when I was her age. I am disappointed with what I have seen so far

I'm not sure you understand how the movie industry works…

Oh look, meaningless sass and snark masquerading as insightful comment. You should be on the payroll!

Wow, you're an idiot.

Did she not enjoy Iron Man 2/The Avengers/The Winter Soldier/AOU/Civil War?

I would go and see it. But with the amount of screen time BW has already had and what i think is a fairly limited scope for any stories involving her alone (unless its a team up) I just dont see much justification for this constant clamour for a solo outing. There are more varied and interesting female characters they

Try harder.

Did you enjoy the Ghostbusters trailers then?

I think the kind of story that best suits BW has already been done well enough in Winter Soldier and Civil War. I think to avoid becoming generic the MCU needs to branch out as it is with Dr Strange and Black Panther. I think BW is a brilliant second string character. Like Hawkeye.

and whats there to do with BW? i would rather see a SW movie. Far better.

something something pussy etc