
Heckofa job Halfman

Somewhere along the line Dany turned into George W Bush on a dragon

just yelling PATTY MAYONNAISE seems like a fine safeword to me

I don't mind it in the show but in the books, where the story is generally more complex and less clean, it's too neat of a resolution to mysteries that really don't need resolving. Benjen disappeared, it happens and Coldhands is an undead servant of The Three Eyed Raven/ Brynden Rivers

going back to plotlines from AFFC this late is very strange

I think that assuming that Benjen is Coldhands' equivalent in the show means Benjen= Coldhands in the books is reaching

I heard it as Oscar from Hey Arnold

the only thing scarier than that would be a big purple G right on his chest!

I think The Twelve is necessary to understand Cyclops becoming a villain later on. Merging with Apocalypse was the beginning of his turn towards the dark side.

the best SNL Dylan parody is the one with him meeting Woody Guthrie in the hospital bed where it's revealed that Guthrie not only wrote all of his songs but every popular song ever. "It's like I told that Mick Jagger kid, I can't get no satisfaction"

National Treasure forgotten? You gotta be kidding me, the film is beloved by the internet's semi-ironic cult of Nicolas Cage adoration

did he have a prosthetic Jumbo?

we'll see about that second civil war

Street Legal is so freakin goood

In this Dylanophile's opinion, Slow Train Coming and Saved are hard to grasp because musically his band and his voice are ON POINT but the lyrics are often inane. Except for Serve Somebody which is a stone cold classic. And Shot Of Love isn't a christian album the way its predecessors were, it's a much weirder album…

hell, I though A Streetcar Named Desire and Planet Of The Apes were both musicals as a kid because of The Simpsons


you must be new to the internet…

I didn't interpret it as a slam. It was accurate. I like Styx, Todd Rundgren and Gilbert & Sullivan.

that is an accurate description of me and of much of the music I enjoy