
well to be fair, i didnt see anything that particularily amazing in that 50 yr olds portfolio.

how to do that without seeming like a pedo?

wtf. even gay haters should support the gays because that means less competition for us straights.

you know that's all fine and dandy but... how to see this movie? with english subtitles too?

wud have been epic if he said that he picked it cos it was cute

yeah man, the ending was a train wreck

i dont remeber her having a split chin

this confirms it folks. THERE IS NO GOD. what do you christians have to say about that?

sounds more like a chinese thing to do. minus the extra chemicals.

hey some of this is from the game Dofus

that red square may be boring/shitty art, but it's still art nonetheless.

nothing new with killing children in games... just look at fallout and baldurs gate to name a few, and they did fine. fallout even had a perk called “child killer”

that advertising in there for disney theme park rides is way too obvious

lol u think that is bad? over here they censor everything on a woman except for the eyes

Being asian myself, my brain is cool with interracial couples. But personally I can't help feeling disguisted/dissapointed when I see them for some reason.

not sure if everyones being sarcastic or you guys really think this is good. i watched half of the video and to me it's like the equivalent of staring at a blank but colored canvas in a fine art gallery. supposedly meaningful in some way, but ultimately dull.

one of the things that hold back animation there is the plethora of things that are not allowed to be shown, such as ghosts for example.

it's this reason that i cant wait for the day when most restaurants workers are replaced with robots

hey guys, reading this makes me feel like going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still beating hearts. loljk*grabspopcorn