Doctor Acula

Yeah, it really seems like this is just DC saying "Hey, you created Swamp Thing, wanna have a 6 issue sandbox to play around in?"

Yeah, so today, Mario Rubio basically decided that to beat Donald Trump he had to become Donald Trump, and insinuated that Trump peed on himself during the debate last night, then Chris Christie came out and endorsed Trump. What the fuck even is this primary at this point? How is this real life?

I mean, I was just making a joke based on Captain America, but given everything else Simpsons has done at this point… maybe?

At the end of 'Nam he was frozen in a block of ice in the frigid waters of southeast Asia until he was found and unthawed by Superintendant Chalmers in the late 80s or so.

Somebody took Liam Neeson and Tom Wilkinsoned him by 20% or so

Kung Fu Hustle 100% holds up for me. It's great.

Only the Sword of Destiny can defeat… SWAMP THING

I think you mean Know1ng

I dunno if this is true everywhere, but at my LCS DKIII is like a full third of the entire DC section. It's out of control.

I really like his Comedy Central special because you can hear him winning the audience over over the course of the show. After the first couple of jokes there's a few tepid chuckles, and you can just sense that most people in the crowd are like, "What the hell even is this." But then once he has them, he has them.

I wrote this screenplay and this guy told me he liked it, but that I should rewrite it. Fuck that, I'll just make a copy.

Mechanized Organism Designed Only for finding the real Killer

I think Pringles' original intention was to make tennis balls. But on the day the rubber was supposed to arrive, a whole truck full of potatoes showed up. And Pringles is a laid back company, so they said fuck it, cut em up!

In Britain, Smokey the Bear is not their forest fire prevention spokesman. They have Smacky the Frog. Which is way better.

My name is more drawn from the Ed Wood scene where he pitches Dr. Acula as a movie, but also a solid joke.

I went to see this band play, and they were heavy, boy. At one point, the singer yelled out, "How many of you out there feel like human beings tonight?! And how many of you feel like animals?!" And everyone yelled out after the animals part, except I yelled out after the human beings part, because I did not know there

This one time I got in an argument in a camping tent, so I tried to slam the flap. What am I supposed to do to express anger in this situation? Zipper it up really quick?

I mean, yeah, there's a lot of undeserving Oscar winners, but if you were to compile a list of movies famously snubbed for Oscars on Netflix I'm not sure it'd look much more impressive than this.

Should've seen Sack Lunch.

This doesn't necessarily seem like the best reflection of Netflix's library if they're including all possible categories across all possible years and they still managed to only get to 62 movies.