Doctor Acula

See also: The Operation PROM Venture Bros. episode.

I really need to drop Mahattan Projects. Hickman lost me a while ago.

how is that game gonna help your putting

Alternate Headline: "Aerosmith Fan Owns Photoshop, Downloaded Large Variety of Fonts"

Every time I think about it, I'm delighted by the concept that your party is trying to save the world, but at the same time managing to play an entire regular season schedule of underwater magic soccer.

I saw it, and have almost zero memory of any specific details about it, despite it only being 3 1/2 years old. Utterly forgettable. No idea who, if anyone, is actually clamoring for a sequel to this.

Going to assume that Father Stretch My Hands Parts 1 & 2 is about the harrowing personal struggle of Reed Richard's son coping with the fact that he can't follow in his father's footsteps. His stretchy footsteps.

said Ripley to the android Bishop

I think it's like amaretto? Maybe?

I mean, there's a lot about our political system that no one else in the world is dumb enough to want to emulate

I watched like 5 minutes of the coverage on CNN last night and somebody on the panel praised Trump's burgeoning political chops because he said heroin was bad and made vague reference to wanting to do something about it. In the same speech he said that the real unemployment rate was 42%. This was not mentioned.

If you're rooting for maximum chaos on the Republican side, it's a good thing.

Do you think the sorting hat tries to sort the houses in even numbers each year? Like, are there some years where Slytherin is pretty chill just because there was a shortage of evil kids in the incoming class that year?

(sad tuba music)

"Hermoine said she couldn't removed it with a simple potio—"
"Oh there you go again! You always have to be critical of how I choose to handle problems with the kids!"

BoShek has DUIs on 12 systems

I've seen some. And once you know that he's photo-referencing stuff, it's easy to tell when you're reading a book that he's doing art on. Characters will have expressions that make no sense for what they're saying.

By any real measure, Liefeld's art is bonkers, but I can't find myself hating it on the same level that I hate, say, Greg Land's art, where pretty much everything looks very obviously photo-referenced and has this uncomfortable uncanny valley feeling to it. Liefeld at least has a distinct style, even if that style is

Little Bart… little Lisa… little Marge… and the rest (Maggie, pets, & TV float away)