
OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like my kind of team.

or maybe it should be “Ick ben ein Reginan

Same for me. I spent some time looking for the games on line and on the various channels and couldn’t find them. I did see some of the US women’s games but since they started at 10:00 pm, i crapped out after the first period. too bad.

ick bin ein Manitoban

Made my hands and toes tingle. I hate seeing stuff like this

A gun is only as safe as the person holding it.

What are you, a communist?

Giangreco is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny. Wait a minute, he’s not

funny, really funny

i worked for a catholic school for many years because i couldn’t find a job in a public school. there just weren’t any jobs available. then when you get a little older, it’s harder to move over because the public school would have to pay you more. plus, public schools want people they can mold into teachers the way

only the catholics. incredible

Some men are born great

The central question seems to be if a player has the ball in his hands, does he have control. In baseball, if a fielder catches the ball in his glove, but it’s rolling around in there, does he have control. In the outfield yes; in the infield no. But the point could be made that regardless of how completely he has it,

physics. i forgot about that one

Yes he was

Cmon people! Five for Five - I am the man

i did. scrubbed nice and clean and ready to go. i’m way in.

I’d meet that challenge, heads up!

As far as Caviezel goes, I know he’s supposed to be devoutly Catholic, but I notice that it didn’t stop him from whacking people out all over the place for five years on Person of Interest. He did make a good Bobby Jones , though