Barry got fired? When did this happen?
Barry got fired? When did this happen?
The Blackhawks do the virtual ads on the glass behind the goals during their games and it is DAMNED ANNOYING.
I hate to admit this but I think Alvino may be slipping a little bit.
I am starting to sense something about Nagy that can only be characterized as
No they don’t. Please god in heaven, no they don’t.
You are all aware that this world is supremely screwed up, correct?
Every so often, the world turns in an appropriate direction.
check your furnace. unless you live in the Enterprise’s warp coil, that’s way too much to pay on your gas bill
This guy is the epitome of what’s wrong with coaching in general and basketball in particular. He’s the hard guy who hasn’t heard that that approach doesn’t work. But that’s not going to stop him from showing those big, bad boys who’s boss.
What a terrible thing to be an “expert” in.
Fantastic !! +127
When you are trying to hit a 100 mph fastball, anything you can do to get an advantage is acceptable. Having a guy sit in the scoreboard with binoculars and a walkie talkie is cheating. Picking up on a pitcher tipping his pitches is not.
What the hell is this?
i read the first one and really liked it. I admit to an enjoyment of the pansexual anyway, but this one was especially good. I await further installments
Most people’s are.
i think he might be. not sure why he was canned but they won a ;ot of games but only one big one.
Too bad. Ausmus wasn’t really a bad manager but once Maddon becomes available....... Just ask Rick Rentaria.
Hey . The other shoe just dropped. The Angles whacked Brad Ausmus after one year. Maddon’s 30 years in the Angels organization should be enough to put him in that seat. Look out Houston.
This. Another genius to be awed in their presence. How long before this guy is somebody else’s coordinator.
Doesn’t anybody realize that IF Trump gets a second term, he’ll be considered a lame duck (unless of course he wants to take on the two term rule). Presidents get LESS done in their second term, not more.