Actually will not be that bad as they are LEO satellites and not Geo-Sync ones that are 10x of thousands of miles away.
Actually will not be that bad as they are LEO satellites and not Geo-Sync ones that are 10x of thousands of miles away.
I am still waiting for the fly by brain interface- Firefox
This is a perfect opportunity for any portable power companies to really steal the show.
I went on a tour there a few years ago, they said they had to bring 1000's of tons of dirt and fill as the caverns were so high in order to make it usable. They had a visitor center, and part of it was used for records and servers i believe due to its stable climate and disaster protection
I am so glad that I spent 8-9 years in college to get my Ph.D. I will be paying it off until my kids are in college. The only benefit so far is it looks good on business cards.
Great concept but at $40 seems very expensive to put on all the outlets that can be in a house. Those little plastic inserts that block the outlet do the trick pretty well.
I am not worried about a robot uprising, just when they start getting horny, and start humping your about painful
The media is biased more towards itself then to a political party. The news is no more then constructed events that are shown in a manner to best create interest and sensationalism. Take an event, even one that could seem mundane, add 24 hour coverage and "breaking news" and you have an income stream.
If this is true, it could be huge. Imagine a space vessel with no propellent, only thing needed is energy. If you could scale this, suddenly you can travel the solar system in far less time as you wouldn't have to worry about fuel/mass to eject, only a reactor or two needed to power the drives for thrust /…
The constant sway of the boat made my stomach churn. Looking back over the past day, those raw oysters from the dockside vending machine was in retrospect, not a sound decision. Thankfully the monotone engine screaming in my ear drums, masked the sounds of my yelching overboard.
When i tried skeleton, my chin and guard used to get marred up something fierce from some of the pressure points. Luckily i switched to bobsled and during a crash my helmet made a great sled on the ice while flipped upside down at 50mph..
The love was empty, it wept.
In Soviet Russia, you do not ski on snow, the snow ski's on you..
Looking at this photo makes me want to grab a bottle of windex and a roll of paper towels. I know, I know I am sure its just partly my OCD, but come on, it's just like knocking 3 times and not saying penny.
Low power, failing, I hope I...
The Neumayer Webcam looks like a MOBOTIX Camera.. Expensive cameras, but those crazy Germans know how to build them so they work almost everywhere.
Price Matching and lower prices are great for the end user consumer, but it is working to put many retail and B2B companies out of business. Ultimately this is bad for any product that requires support, integration assistance, and any kind of knowledgable staff. I run a smallish online store and there are many…
Iran needs to unblock youtube so they can take some Yousuckatphotoshop lessons