Docteur Lobo

There’s likely no way to ask this serious question without people thinking I’m shitty for daring to, but whatever it’s the internet so here we go: Do you really believe it was the right call for the filmmakers to bow to a vocal minority in the fandom and take a character that was not written as queer and turn them

France is actually a pretty socially conservative society where ... homophobia [is] still pretty commonplace

No, it’s an indictment of stealing the story beats from Pocahontas and Dances with Wolves, and then trying to use the built-in Native American associations as a lazy, culturally stereotypical shorthand for a conservationist message.

I would be interested to see said articles written by the dogs.

“I bit someone and had a great day. Also everyone smells like sausages.”

I would just like to point out that Gatiss was responsible for the eye booger monster on Doctor Who.

The “HOW CAN YOU THINK OF ANIMALS WHEN PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING” crowd can just ignore this comment, but Australia also has a ton of native wildlife that are found nowhere else on the planet and are being pushed closer to extinction by these fires. Places you can donate, which are actively involved in trying to save

You should check out Psych. It’s a surprisingly fun and funny show. 

I didn’t realize the 2k20 in the title was the expiration date.

The thing is, it’s really impossible to discuss a show like this on an episode-by-episode basis when it all drops at once. Even when a site like AVC staggers the reviews, the conversation loses focus and the spoiler-averse give up.

I really hope that The Mandalorian leads to an increase in streaming series that release episodes weekly and keep episode lengths reasonable. It was so fun having a new episode each Friday and never have it feel like a chore to watch. More of this, please.

I’m having a hard time getting into this season because of how snobbish I’m finding Abe, Rose, and Midge. Their upperclass-ness has always been played as sort of a quirky charm and has been poked fun at before but this season it seems as if we are supposed to empathize and be amused by situations that are really just

It’s Charles. It’s what he does. 

A Charles article. As humourless as you would expect. And Dench is such a don, she probably doesn't give a f**k.

Lighten up, Francis. 

Having lived in Africa and travelled there a lot, I agree with him; Black Panther is a continent-sized Mary Sue and the aesthetics in particular are literally Disney-does-Africa; a grab bag of cultures smooshed together into “African” style. But given that Americans in general and Disney in particular do this to most

I still don’t quite get why people are hung up on Broom Boy.

I’m probably biased from watching the Clone Wars, but the prequel trilogy we clearly see there are Jedi from all planets, all races, etc. Sure, Anakin was a chosen one, but I do not recall anywhere in the series it implied only Skywalkers or Palpatines could

The world is dark, cold, and veering towards fascism. It’s no surprise to me these movies are flourishing.

i, too, love it, and that’s a really big reason why the movie works so well. He’s clearly having the best time. 

That sucks! I unapologetically love Hudson Hawk, and Danny Aiello is the main reason. He was so good in everything.

The fact that anyone cares about a damn coffee cup says more about the insane vocal minorities in the audiences then the production crew.