Property-obsessed voyeurs such as myself, you’re welcome:
Breaking: water is wet report says! Its amazing to me that after lying about everything for years the Trump admin gets each new lie taken on its on in a vacuum and that default assumption is that this time they are telling the truth.
I shudder to think what the last 8 years have been like for that boy.
God he was so hard to watch. Wade Robson seemed like he was in a much better place about things (though he might just have had a better game face), but James looked so anguished and uncomfortable the entire time.
Came to say the same!
Ah so it wasn’t just me!
I’m sure Mahershala Ali’s performance in Green Book was good (I had no desire to see it), but he was goddamn amazing in the True Detective finale tonight.
My only hope is that legit Supreme Court Justices treat him like he doesn’t belong there. In a perfect world, they’d call him “Merrick” every chance they get. Or, “Not Merrick.” But never “Brett.”
The first sentence: “Penny Marshall and I were the bridesmaids in Carrie Fisher’s wedding to Paul Simon.”
What a hateful ugly convocation of nasty jerks, left and right but mostly right here in comments. Any fucking asshole saying they were “offended” by Kathy Griffin’s unfortunate picture with a beheaded Trump (mask) is lying, because Trump supporters lie all the time, like their boss and everyone around him. Oh boo…
Every day the line is crossed and every day it becomes more normalized. Honestly, what is the solution to this complete disregard for the truth? We can see it happening as clear as day but every day just brings more and more lies. Now with the midterms over it seems like the next two years are going to devolve into an…
Why are we letting this administration do these things like they’re normal? I don’t necessarily mean us little people, at least in this situation. The rest of the reporters in that room? Their network bosses? Unions? Someone to take immediate and direct action?
The two white dudes who essentially abandoned two women in a van to drown? Basically just got fired. Tell me again that this isn’t about skin color.
Its embarrassingly stupid how hard white Democratic leaders pander to the mythical “moderate Republican” while largely shushing and sidelining their actual base of POC. That’s what’s splintering the party and allowing the Republicans to dominate elections. Put your star players in the game dumbasses.
No he isn’t.
I’ve always wondered why men are supposed to be intimidated by another man’s much-larger wang. Are they afraid he’s going to hit them with it?
What is it going to take for the media to treat this family as the wannabe despots and traitors to America that they are? Are we seriously doing a profile on Melania as if she is a legitimate first lady while Trump is STILL putting kids in cages away from their parents, suppressing votes, consolidating power, looting…
You know, I want to believe her - I really do, but she’s going to have to show the evidence.