
Yeah, if that’s how they get a sense of accomplushment, I feel very sad for them.

The fact people will mine blocks for days to “rank up” on an obscure server in *Minecraft* blew my mind. Then we got to the part where people pay hundreds of dollars. There wasn’t much left to blow, but that cleared out the rest of my head.

Life’s too fucking short, people.

As a 6-year old in the late 70's, I used to wonder why all my normally loud and boisterous older male cousins would watch Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman in complete silence, reverence and awe. In hindsight, I completely understand.

*Don’t buy games you’re certain you won’t get around to playing in the next 6 months. (Hell, I still have a few dozen Xbox 360 games that I’ll, uh, get around to eventually).

He really is the best. Even as adults, my sisters and I call him whenever there’s a problem. He really can fix anything.

I found it! The wrongest post on the internet today.

Why, oh why, did I just watch all 6 minutes and 18 seconds of that? God that snore candy they were dishing out during their “contest” clearly resulted in yet another tie between them. Until next time, evil Javelin Janet will be training almost a little harder. Be ready.

This explains why I have such a high threshold for crappy comic book movies/shows. I watched everything, including Spider-Man and Shazam on Saturday mornings after cartoons, and then there were the Spider-Man segments on The Electric Company, many of which were narrated by Morgan Freeman. My favorite was Wonder Woman,

That makes me so sad. My four older sisters are from my mom’s previous marriage. My dad assumed the role of father as soon as they married — he sincerely loved and cherished my sisters, and gave them every opportunity he gave my twin sister and me. No matter the situation we found ourselves in, he made it clear that

Good god the crap we had to watch to get our superhero fix :(

Hey, it wasn’t all bad...

Also, fun that they returned him to his “old” mask. I love how doofy he looks now in a completely different context. Unrepentantly retro.

YES! YES YES YES! I loved that team so much and hated when they got canceled and scattered to the winds. I hope that this reappearance builds enough goodwill and interest to get the old band back together.

Now playing

For a total annihilation of Buck Rogers memories, watch the title sequence of the pilot movie, where the music has awful lyrics and a Bond-like intro with women writhing.

Regarding the Bixby theme:

That’s a funny show. Culp’s Bill Maxwell is one of the most funny FBI agents I’ve ever seen. Perfect couple with Katt’s Hinckley, even if they didn’t like each other at first.

Mi amigo, I heard that theme in my head the second I read your comment about it!

C’mon, admit it. The best part of Buck Rogers is Wilma Dearing! Erin Grey certainly helped me through puberty.

Oh god I thought I hated shaky cam.... but now I guess I don’t.

^This Guy KNOWS^