
I can't really tell if this is real or a very specific and believable spam bot :)

Whoa interesting. How did you start doing that/how did you get an audience?

Thank you so much for your response, very much appreciated :)

Just out of curiosity, how did you build a readership? Through blogs or social media or putting your books out there? (if you are not comfortable disclosing, I completely understand, it's just that I am interested in entry points).

He was trying to cut corners at work by turning one animal into two, but he cut one part a little wrong.

If you're a Terminator fan, even if you don't want to see it, you'll see it because it's Terminator. We all watched T3 and Salvation didn't we? This one isn't going to be any different (unless it's, like, good)....

Oh really. What a coincidence.

I think stephen amell says that they have it worked out so the optimum number of seaosns is 6. So that would leave one post island year for flashbacks.

Nah, they'll make you think they're doing flashbacks when they're actually flash-forwards.

His super weak heart seemed to hold up ok in the kidnapping/gunfight/fistfight which makes it even more of a stretch.

My guess is, the storyline excuse for Felicity's complicity will be that she's tired of seeing people she cares about die/in danger, and that telling Lance would potentially kill him. It seems like a weak justification, but I could see them playing that out—especially after the whole convo with SuperRay last night.

That's what I was asking this episode! I hope so. That would be so much fun. "Ollie, we saw you learn this lesson already."

The bit last night where she pretended to be Sara to her father was...woof. Seriously—that's your big plan? Keeping the lie going? I get it, he has a weak heart...but is this really the right move?

Those will be the flashbacks in season 10.

You know you're in a badass Triad club when a gunfight erupts and NOBODY RUNS FOR THE GODDAMN DOOR. They're all screaming like they're panicked but then they proceed to stand right where they're at. It's like "Holy shit, this dude is sliding down the bar firing wildly, directly in front of me. But these drinks are

The part that gets to me is the:

Please stop.

That's possible. I do think Laurel is often over acted and find it extremely annoying. Her big "I know your secret" speech to Oliver in S2 was appalling. The dialogue was horrible and that starry eyed, breathless thing she had going on made me gag. I know at that point in the season she was starting to reconcile with

You know, that's a larger discussion: why are those characters so bad? Is it the writing? Is it the acting? Is it a combination of the two? Something else altogether?

"League of Extraordinarily Bland Female Supporting Characters"