
Finn's not very popular in the fandom, either, so he'd be a good candidate to kill off without alienating too many viewers(Clarke/Bellamy fans, eg), while still surprising them with a "real death".

I'm actually a big fan of Finn and at this point I hope he dies. The way they've treated his character and his character arc this season has just been stupid and I don't want to see any more of it.

I wish they had kept the grandpa quill scene in. Throughout the entire movie i felt sad for Peter's family that not only lost the mother, but immediately lost the child. At least that scene would show he believes Peter to be alright somewhere else among the stars

….and they will fuck like sweaty monkeys the first chance they get. Some exes don't lose the heat.

I think that the far more likely outcome from this is that he's basically going to go rogue/shadow in an effort to redeem. He's shown that he's just delusional enough to think that he's always been "part of the team" even when showing his true colors. So he can go off and wreck things while trying to do his thing.

I think the crucial detail about whether Ward can/will be redeemed is whether or not he killed the agents in the van with him. The agents he killed last year were as part of his orders, and his only feasible way to complete his mission(s). He was just a soldier (for an inherently evil organisation, working for a

You know what? I'm 32 and I'll just say it: the world is better now than it used to be overall.

Even if it never got to apocalypse such a disease would fundamentally change society. Disasters would now definitely involve National Guard and other military units. Rescue operations would be a war zone. Triage would now involve executions. EMT's would be armed and as you said emergency resuscitation would go the way

This is literally the dumbest thing said about Ebola. More people have died from gun murders TODAY than from Ebola when this mass epidemic panic started. Please calm down you won't catch it....unless you've been having shit fights with infected people.

"Oh, the Dallas Cinnamon! Gotcha. The Malibu Cinnamon can still get mugged by her pimp next week, then, if that's cool with you?"