
Ainge doesn’t have to do anything. The gamble here for the pelicans is what Boston’s core does in the playoffs. If they make it to the finals, and compete with Golden State, I don’t see why the Celtics blow the team up knowing Durant is leaving GS. 

So now high school basketball teams follow the NFL’s guidelines for the anthem?

Yes! Let’s judge people for how they order their steaks! 

He can chose not to show up.

It’s actually very labor friendly. It forces team to spend a certain amount - and raises the wages of the lower paid players. Mid level exception and below players are probably overpaid. Plenty of examples of guys getting 5 to 10mil a year that dont deserve it.

You know there’s a 5 people that play basketball at the same time. And one person can shoot every time down the court.

I would say this is more like fouling a player about to make an easy basket. Its not cheating to knowingly break the rules for your benefit, which is what Phil does. He’s not denying breaking the rules. He’s intentionally breaking the rules because he thinks the penalty is worth it, like a fouling on purpose. 

JR Smith even fooled the ESPN radio call, that announcer claimed the cavs won before being corrected

you dont have to feel guilty for having a penis. Pee standing up. Make a mess while you’re at it.

how hard is it for celebrities not to go one twitter? I dont think most of them have anything to gain from it.

lets just ban all former pacers from the mic

If it’s fixed than LeBron will win the series no?

Are you that dumb that you think the Celtics won’t make any adjustments? Especially on defense?

But the celtics need to fix their defense. They can’t have rozier guarding lebron half the game. Even when they stopped switching - they didn’t know how not to switch. Stevens will fix that for game 5

You must really hate golf and bowling...

jesus youre dumb

So they held the vote right after the raptors were eliminated from the playoffs but before the other round 2 series were over?

Try watching the games next time.

It doesnt work. The kid will know its an imitation.

Yeah it never rained in the northeast united states in mid April until the industrial revolution. In fact, in 1905 it was nearly 100 degrees for this April race. We must prevent this rapid cooling and precipitation from continuing!